Monday, September 30, 2019
Graham Greene’s four fundamental requirements Essay
Westerhoff narrates about Graham Greene’s four fundamental requirements for leading a spiritual life. (1) willingness to embrace suffering of world while enduring one’s own (2) a life of solitude and silence (3) introspection of deep restlessness within spirit (4) to see the image of God (Christ) within the community of faith. (John. H. Westerhoff 1994, 30) To preach or to teach, expertise level of human knowledge and understanding is required in order to communicate verbally without hurting others. There were no instances in Bible where Jesus hurted disciples or followers. Jesus was above solutions and problems and that is why offered a formulae by saying â€Å"Take my yoke†which means accepting one’s own suffering along with world’s suffering. â€Å"My burden is light†(St. Matt. 11:29) which includes a fact that Jesus carries the burden along with those who are practicing Jesus teachings. Spiritual life with God can be compared with a grape wine climber as Jesus said â€Å" I am the true vine†(St. John 15:1) â€Å"Abide in me and I in you†(St. John 15:4) . A constant communication with God or clinging to the word of God leads to spiritual formation. â€Å"If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you†. (St. John15:7). Communication with God through prayer is explained by Urban Holmes in the book â€Å"A History of Spirituality†(John H. Westerhoff 1994, 53) wherein knowing God in two different methods. (1) Kataphatic means knowing God indirectly in which relationship with God is mediated (2) apophatic means, knowing God directly and where there is no mediation. Speculative-kataphatic encourages rationalism. Further this school of prayer is based on imaginary senses and even includes writing of conversations with God, while affective-kataphatic encourages pietism which is more charismatic and includes all the bodily expressions and senses in complete contact with God (e. g. clapping, moving body, shouting etc). ,. Speculative-apophatic leads to encratism while affective-apophatic leads to quietism. The four symbols of four categories are : speculative-kataphatic = â€Å"S†, speculative-apophatic = â€Å"T†, affective-kataphatic = â€Å"F†, affective-kataphatic = â€Å"N†. These categories offered by Jung are applicable in prayer and devotion according to the personal preferences. Schools of spirituality can only be applied as an aid for spiritual growth. Prayer purifies souls, castes away unhealthy minds and thoughts and brings closer to God who is an embodiment of love. (St. John 3:16) (I Corinthians 13). God also said â€Å"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you†. Seeking God amidst of daily lives and chores. Karl Rahner, the Jesuit priest-theologian, in a letter to God, discusses about tiring hours of activities in a day and how the time is not allocated to God and lays emphasis on how important it is to be in relation with God. Further states that for the entire mankind seeking God’s guidance and support amidst of daily life, is another way of practicing God’s presence. Conclusion Prayer is the only means and a wonderful gift of God to be in constant relation with God. Prayer is a strong weapon that has been used by several preachers in the past such as King Martin Luther, D.L. Moody, John Wesley, David Livingstone and several holy and pious preachers. The present international evangelists and Bible preachers include Dr. Billy Graham (BGEA)and Charles Stanley (In Touch Ministries) who believe concretely in the power of prayer. The preachers who dedicate hours of prayer to God, receive visionary experiences, divine power to deliver gospel of God. Preachers have to maintain a dual relation, one with God and second with those who are receiving the gospel/word of God.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Outline the Main Principles of Utilitarianism
Outline the main principles of utilitarianism Utilitarianism is a teleological theory. Three main philosophers have come up with different types of utilitarianism these being: Bentham, Mill and Singer. Bentham introducing the idea of Act Utilitarianism, Mill adapting the ideas of Bentham and trying improve the flaws he saw with his Rule utilitarianism and Singer with his preference utilitarianism theory. Bentham was hedonist, meaning he was a pleasure seeker. Bentham portrayed two main features of utilitarianism, one being the consequentialist principle.The consequentialist principle states that the rightness or wrongness of an act is determined by the goodness or badness of the results that flow from it this shows the teleological side of the theory. The second feature portrayed is the Utility principle this is â€Å"the greatest good for the greatest number. †But Bentham being a hedonist devised his own twist on this and stated that his principle would be â€Å"the greates t pleasure for the greatest number. †As he believed â€Å"nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters’ pain and pleasure.It is for them alone to point out what we ought to do, as well as what we shall do. †Bentham said if an event brought more pleasure and avoided pain then it was seen as good. Bentham devised a way of measuring pleasure and this was known as the hedonic calculus it was based on a quantitative scale and the seven aspects to help you calculate whether something was painful or pleasurable were: Duration, Remoteness, Purity, Richness, Intensity, Certainty and Extent. These factors all made up the Hedonic calculus. Bentham’s utilitarian theories and ideas are usually linked with the idea of Act utilitarianism.Act Utilitarianism says that the principle of utility should be applied to every individual situation. It states that a person should act when the anticipated result brings the most pleasure. One of the main principles of Utilitarianism is Act utilitarianism and Bentham idealism of this. Mill was Bentham’s godson, Mill adopted he godfathers ideas of utilitarianism but he saw flaws in his definition of the utility principle as Bentham viewed pleasure as being the main point of utility instead of good. Mill challenged his theory by trying to distinguish happiness from mere pleasure.Mill’s version of the theory is often referred to as â€Å"Eudaimonistic utilitarianism†. He defines happiness with his idea of higher and lower pleasures; higher pleasures usually linked with expanded your capacity for knowledge for example a higher pleasure would be reading Shakespeare as it’s increasing your knowledge. A lower pleasure would be seen as eating a McDonalds as it’s not seen to benefit your knowledge in any way. Mill’s utilitarian theory is linked with Rule-utilitarianism. Rule utilitarianism being one of the two classical types of utilitarianism, the ot her being act seen in Bentham’s theory.Act utilitarianism is the idea that an act is only right if it follows set rules to bring out the greater good for society. Act Utilitarianism is then broke down into â€Å"Weak rule†and â€Å"Strong rule†. Weak rule is the idea that you can actually break that rule if you believe it is going to bring the greater good. Strong Rule is the idea that once the rule has been agreed upon as being the best for society. You cannot break it, no matter what. It is believed that Mill is more a â€Å"Weak rule†utilitarian as the â€Å"strong rule†is moving towards a more absolutist approach.The last well known theory of utilitarianism is the most recent which was devised by a man named Peter Singer. Singer came up with a type of utilitarianism known as â€Å"preference utilitarianism†. Preference utilitarianism promotes actions that fulfil the interests of those beings involved. Singer believes you should have y our best interest at heart to minimise any sort of pain. An interesting point to Singer’s theory is that he believed everyone was equal. He believed in animal rights that every conscious creature should have equal rights and be taken into consideration.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Wideman wonders about the youth today. There are too many of them running around doing nothing with their lives. Seeping through the cracks and who is going to be there to help them out. Will Obama? Wideman wonders â€Å"How will President Barack Obama attempt to seal the cracks they slip through? Not cracks in the pavement of Grand and Essex, but the cracks of broken promises, the cracks that have divided and conquered the will of a nation to treat all citizens equally†(858). It seems the questions never end, but what else can they do but wonder. The world stands and waits for the next move, but instead of waiting why don’t they join in on making the first move. Just because the president is black and that is accomplish within itself. Taking the first step is always the hardest but it has to start somewhere. â€Å"I want to walk up to one of them and ask â€Å"Do you think your life might be different now that Barack Obama is president? What steps do you believe President Obama will take to improve your life? What steps do you think he should take? †(857). There are some kids that are out there willing to make a change and enforcing it as well but there isn’t enough, the more that will contribute the less work there will be for everyone and life could go back to the way it used to be, cheap. In school, kids only think about their looks and the lust of one another is no longer a learning system but a fashion show at the mall. From what’s on your hair to the latest sneakers, â€Å"young people of amalgamated†¦eyes hungry for each other†(858). Wideman said though â€Å"intimidated†he was in love with the way the kids thought, made him think about his own and one day theirs. About the future that he will no longer be in charge of but let the young adults care for him. He’s also worried that there are more than few of them walking around without a care in the world, not thinking about their future. â€Å"Is there such thing, really, as a future in young minds†? Kids today are committing suicide, and are in gangs and killing one another, or just not focusing enough in school, whatever it maybe. Kids are finding more ways to stay on the streets, but being on the streets doesn’t make you any less it just means you must work harder to achieve your goals. There should be more adults trying to guide these lost souls back, instead of turning their back and being even more ignorant adults acting up. It’s not only the kids fault but the nature, these kids don’t have a choice on where they grow up or how much money they’re parents make or the way of luxurious life styles they weren’t grace with jewels but if they work hard and really want it anything can be there’s. Look at all those rich and famous people not all of them where born into it, most of them had to work hard and grind and that what should be taught to work hard and you shall receive. Americans feel it is okay to rest on their laurels but resting on anything that is half way built is bound to break and tip over. Having a good foundation is key to success, help is needed in these kids life’s more people who give a damn and Obama is doing that. Giving the little ray of sunlight on those kids future. Letting them know that no matter how big their dream is they can receive it as long as they work hard at it. Obama is trying to build a better and stronger foundation for future for Americans but he can’t do it alone. Everyone has to take responsibility and try to become a better them. â€Å"Perhaps we would explore together the explosive, still almost unbelievable fact that our country finally seized the opportunity to turn away from one deeply rooted, intractable, self-destructive, dead-end understanding of itself as white and black, finally began to create a new vision of itself†(858). Just as Wideman said try to be the positive being you want to see in the world. Michael Jackson was a legend he not only sing beautifully but his is words he made a difference. His song Man in the Mirrors lyric is very powerful and true â€Å"If you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself, and then make a change†should be a world motto and if â€Å"Yolo†was used correctly you do only live once so use every opportunity given big or small, just take it â€Å"Yolo†right . Obama was just the tip of the iceberg of change and good this world really needs. Wideman story was honest and good, his points were valid and firm. The only question is America ready for a change? And now that a chance is given, will it be taken? Change Change Change Change Wideman wonders about the youth today. There are too many of them running around doing nothing with their lives. Seeping through the cracks and who is going to be there to help them out. Will Obama? Wideman wonders â€Å"How will President Barack Obama attempt to seal the cracks they slip through? Not cracks in the pavement of Grand and Essex, but the cracks of broken promises, the cracks that have divided and conquered the will of a nation to treat all citizens equally†(858). It seems the questions never end, but what else can they do but wonder. The world stands and waits for the next move, but instead of waiting why don’t they join in on making the first move. Just because the president is black and that is accomplish within itself. Taking the first step is always the hardest but it has to start somewhere. â€Å"I want to walk up to one of them and ask â€Å"Do you think your life might be different now that Barack Obama is president? What steps do you believe President Obama will take to improve your life? What steps do you think he should take? †(857). There are some kids that are out there willing to make a change and enforcing it as well but there isn’t enough, the more that will contribute the less work there will be for everyone and life could go back to the way it used to be, cheap. In school, kids only think about their looks and the lust of one another is no longer a learning system but a fashion show at the mall. From what’s on your hair to the latest sneakers, â€Å"young people of amalgamated†¦eyes hungry for each other†(858). Wideman said though â€Å"intimidated†he was in love with the way the kids thought, made him think about his own and one day theirs. About the future that he will no longer be in charge of but let the young adults care for him. He’s also worried that there are more than few of them walking around without a care in the world, not thinking about their future. â€Å"Is there such thing, really, as a future in young minds†? Kids today are committing suicide, and are in gangs and killing one another, or just not focusing enough in school, whatever it maybe. Kids are finding more ways to stay on the streets, but being on the streets doesn’t make you any less it just means you must work harder to achieve your goals. There should be more adults trying to guide these lost souls back, instead of turning their back and being even more ignorant adults acting up. It’s not only the kids fault but the nature, these kids don’t have a choice on where they grow up or how much money they’re parents make or the way of luxurious life styles they weren’t grace with jewels but if they work hard and really want it anything can be there’s. Look at all those rich and famous people not all of them where born into it, most of them had to work hard and grind and that what should be taught to work hard and you shall receive. Americans feel it is okay to rest on their laurels but resting on anything that is half way built is bound to break and tip over. Having a good foundation is key to success, help is needed in these kids life’s more people who give a damn and Obama is doing that. Giving the little ray of sunlight on those kids future. Letting them know that no matter how big their dream is they can receive it as long as they work hard at it. Obama is trying to build a better and stronger foundation for future for Americans but he can’t do it alone. Everyone has to take responsibility and try to become a better them. â€Å"Perhaps we would explore together the explosive, still almost unbelievable fact that our country finally seized the opportunity to turn away from one deeply rooted, intractable, self-destructive, dead-end understanding of itself as white and black, finally began to create a new vision of itself†(858). Just as Wideman said try to be the positive being you want to see in the world. Michael Jackson was a legend he not only sing beautifully but his is words he made a difference. His song Man in the Mirrors lyric is very powerful and true â€Å"If you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself, and then make a change†should be a world motto and if â€Å"Yolo†was used correctly you do only live once so use every opportunity given big or small, just take it â€Å"Yolo†right . Obama was just the tip of the iceberg of change and good this world really needs. Wideman story was honest and good, his points were valid and firm. The only question is America ready for a change? And now that a chance is given, will it be taken?
Friday, September 27, 2019
Hillside School Case Study Require Document Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Hillside School Require Document - Case Study Example Even with the after care system, fees that pupils pay in the drop-in basis vary depending on the length of time a student will stay and the level of stage a student is. For instance for preschoolers, time blocks exists from noon to 1:30 p.m., noon to 3:30 p.m. and noon to5:30 p.m. For kindergarten students, time blocks exist from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. and 1:30 for 5:30 p.m. For primary school students, the time is from 3:30–5:30 p.m. Even more complications exist in the sense that for pre-registered students not registered for the entire afternoon, the 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. blocks and 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. blocks can be utilized on a drop-in basis. The payment and for that matter billing system does not end with the above discussion. With the payment system, there are different payment options whereby parents who pay the entire amount by August 1 prior to the start of the school year enjoy a 5 percent discount on the total fee. Parents who pay over a 10-month period, starting July 1 prior to the start of the school year do not enjoy such discount. Discount also exists for parents who have more than one child enrolled at Hillside School. Because the payment system is generally cumbersome, the billing system is also very cumbersome and complicated. Presently, monthly bills for fees and â€Å"drop-in†care are due on the first of the month, and are distributed to parents one week prior to their being due. Parents with more than one child receive separate bills. The billing is done by the vice principal who is Susan. Susan does the billing using Microsoft Excel whereby she sets up a new workbook for each academic year. With in the workbook, she creates monthly worksheets to contain payment records. The Excel worksheet contains one line per student and looks somewhat like the diagram below. Manual entry is made for each student as and when payment is done. The entry for each student is updated twice each month, once to prepare the bills and once to record payment.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Case Study - Small Business Management Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
- Small Business Management - Case Study Example Within three years (1997-2000), profits increased by 350%. OBO is Simon's third business venture and he has learnt considerably from each undertaking. Simon invests heavily on research and development which fuels his desire to improve his existing products and to develop new ones. He has also kept up with the changing technology and offers a website that encourages customer focus groups, gives playing tips, product information and also sells the product online. Simon believes that consumer market research is essential in product development. At present, OBO has a very strong distribution network and a formidable brand value. OBO is a strong company and has a far sighted CEO Simon Barnett, who has over a 20 year experience, ranging from manufacturing table tennis table to selling and distributing hockey equipment for Ishan. Eventually however, he also went into production and specialized in making protective hockey equipment for goalies. Simon is an ambitious individual, a visionary leader who believes in managing by setting his own examples. He is a creative person who invests heavily on product research. Simon is of the opinion that it is important to bring changes in the product so that it seems fashionable as well as useful to the customer. His sound distribution networks and brand value has made OBO the market leader in its industry. Simon holds a strong relationship with his agents and also with his customers. He encourages his customers to express their opinions and ensures that new products are made keeping in mind the customers' changing needs. Moreover, OBO gives a lot of attention to product quality which is their key competitive advantage. Although OBO operates in a niche market, it is still a big name. It is doing well in the market and had a profit of $450,000 in the year 2000. However, if OBO decides to step into a new market of making cricket equipment it will be big change for the company. This 'big change' brings with it a lot of risk. Simon's financing policy has always been to avoid bank loans. He prefers to reinvest his retained earnings. For a venture as huge as cricketing equipment, heavy investment will be needed and with Simon's current policy this can be a huge gamble. OBO has limited staff and a new venture would certainly mean expanding the personnel base. Apart from this, Simon depends very strongly on 2 key personnel. Simon acts as a facilitator and the manufacturing and designing sides are looked after by two men. Such excessive reliance can be dangerous as even if one of them quits, Simon can be in big trouble. Although Simon has ample experience in business, a cricket venture will still be a new area. The requirements of cricketing equipment will be very different from hockey as the two games vary greatly in the way they are played. External Environment In terms of opportunities, there are many. OBO operates in a niche market and in comparison cricket will offer a bigger market. For hockey a team would at a maximum need 2-3 pairs of protective pads, but for cricket, all the batsmen will need pads along with the wicket keeper. If OBO is able to manufacture pads that are lighter and allow players more speed and agility then there will certainly be a lot of scope of the product. Also cricket is a game that is more popular all over the world and is played by many countries at a national level. With time, OBO can also expand towards
College Admission Personal Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
College Admission Personal Statement - Essay Example Actually, my math teachers never strived to find out the root cause of my poor performance, rather they readily and ignorantly labeled me with ADD while constantly pressuring me psychologically due to which I earned the reputation of a good-for-nothing student, though I have always got straight A’s and B’s in other subjects. It all changed when I happened to take my first psychology class during which the stark reality of what I actually was meant to be hit me and forced me to change my opinion about myself. Then I realized that I had much to do in my life if only I was allowed to avail the opportunity for studying psychology in UA. I believe I can be a riveting asset as a student to UA because it has been years since I started designing strategies about how students can be encouraged to learn passionately and how wrong judgments and diagnosis made by teachers can horrendously influence the students psychologically who may have the capacity to perform well but their tal ents get marred by the personality-distorting critical
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
How Canadian doing business in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
How Canadian doing business in China - Essay Example China is the epitome of Eastern culture. Any business communications between two countries must be done with care. Western culture in terms of the spoken language can be characterized as low-context. This means Westerners speak in a direct, frank, and oftentimes blunt manner as their language is precise and specific. In contrast, the Eastern culture is high-context in that besides the spoken word, there are added elements to communications such as a smile, frown, silence, aphorism, metaphor, anecdote, or even a joke to deliver a message (Norales, 2006). Added to these subtleties are the strictly local concepts of guanxi and of â€Å"face.†This paper discusses the enduring values and utility of guanxi and face when in China. Guanxi – this refers to the personalized network of contacts and influences in Chinese society. Basically, this word combines the two concepts of relationships and connections which are very central in how Chinese society functions. It is an all-encompassing idea that links two people in a mutually beneficial relationship although the relationship may not be always between two equals. In guanxi, there is an implicit general understanding (without specific requests or demands) in which people benefit from the social connections they had developed over the years through a cycle of reciprocity in granting favors. In this context, a Canadian businessman should first try to develop his guanxi by joining a club or a business association to gain contacts before asking any direct favors from the Chinese. Other members of the association can evaluate the Canadians sincerity by interacting with him without business in mind. Business can be discussed later only when trust is gained and people know each other better (Reuvid & Li, 2006). Guanxi in its literal meaning is â€Å"pass to a hierarchy†and a successful businessman gains influence and the necessary
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Operations Management - Essay Example It is evident from the study that service and manufacturing supply chains share a lot more in common than the way they differ. In the process of delivering service products, manual processes that require human beings is involved. So, the solutions that use standardization and automation in improving operation efficiency in the service industry are less applicable. In addition to this, the labor intensive industries require more advanced scheduling systems so that they can coordinate effectively the prefaces of commonalities. The customers in the service industry play a great role in the delivery of services during the delivery process or even the service initiation process unlike in the manufacturing business. A good example is the electronic repair service. The involvement of customer delivery has an impact in service heterogeneity and impacts the service quality. The distinctive needs by the customers do change the content of each service product offered. As a result, it makes the service quality hard to measure and also monitor. The service which is provided by the service industries is often intangible for instance; education is one of the services. Intangibility leads to three issues: First, it’s difficult to score, secondly, it’s difficult to account for and thirdly, it’s difficult to identify suppliers. An intangible good as many believes can only be stored in books. This characteristic then shifts the focus of management from buffering by inventory to ensuring capacity flexibility and also managing capacity. One of the ways in which service procurement can better be controlled is by implementing a two-way match of the service receiving process. Here, the purchasing documents as well as the invoices are matched upon receiving and this process includes matching of the invoice, purchase order and shipping document in manufacturing. Unfortunately, in the service receiving process, counting of physical goods is a missing link. It becomes difficult in the start of the procurement process to identify the suppliers. The service buyer is not always sure of the specification of the service been procured. In addition to this, due to the intangibility of the service, you find that the service quality is very hard to measure (Andrew & Michael 2005). Simultaneity of production and consumption: Unlike in the case of the manufactured good, the services are created and consumed at the same time. You find that once the service has been created, there is no lead time in the middle to buffer against uncertainties. Combined with difficulties in storing these services, it isn’t surprising seen that a flexible capacity is vital to the success of a service supply chain (Andrew & Michael 2005). Customer supplier duality: A good example to explain duality is the electronic repair service. Here, you find that a customer supplies the malfunctioning electronics and in return,
Monday, September 23, 2019
Paraphrasing a methodology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Paraphrasing a methodology - Essay Example Dinesh Seth, for giving us an opportunity to work with him and for his total dedication in supervising us, and for his patience in working with us. Thirdly, we are quite grateful to all the professors and instructors who directed and guided us throughout the project, our special thanks goes to Dr. Choe and Dr. Faraye for their guidance, their encouragements, and assistance throughout the project. Also, we would like to thank the management and the employees of the printing press for their time and their dedication during data collection and during the discussion of the various parts of this project. Lastly, this project would not have been possible without the support of our families. Hence, we are indeed grateful to our families for their love, patience, and constant encouragements throughout the project. This section focuses on the method used in data collection and analysis using a combination of ISE principles and tools. In this section, the group discovered non-value adding practices and inefficiency pockets through the use of engineering mapping and practice, critical observations coupled with systematic questioning techniques for data collection through interviewing staff, managers and the executives. Also, the group made use of various surveys, checklists, and videography in analysing processes and work methods. The group also made observation of the staff while during the printing processes. The group visited the printing press many times and collected the pertinent data, the existing ways of carrying out tasks, and then made a comparison of processes bearing in mind the industrial engineering based on costs, challenges faced during designing, printing, cutting, lamination, and ergonometric considerations. The group spent substantial amount of time for data collection and to understand the challenges and the constraints of the existing layout, cutting, and printing processes. Basing their data collection on data related to
Sunday, September 22, 2019
History of Security in the United States Essay Example for Free
History of Security in the United States Essay Abstract Security in America has evolved from the time of the first settlers to today’s well-trained forces. Factors leading to the significant growth of private security from pre-Civil War to post World War II consisted of a lack of public police and large monetary loss by private industry. Today, security is global and faces challenges and changes, with increases in terrorism and technology crimes. It must maintain a high level of professionalism and maintain technological innovation remain a respected industry. History of Security in the United States Nineteenth Century The nineteenth century saw the private security industry fill in many of the gaps left by public law enforcement in both manpower and ingenuity. The development of public police forces was slow in the infancy of the United States. In the latter half of the 1800’s, police departments were fragmented, decentralized and often corrupt, creating a need for private security. The American frontier saw an extreme shortage of law enforcement, as they had to resort to deputizing civilians and forming posses. Citizens often had to resort to vigilante justice due to a lack of law enforcement. In 1850, Henry Wells and William Fargo established American Express and Wells Fargo cargo companies and in 1851 Allen Pinkerton established the first national private security and investigations service (Ortmeirer, 2009, pg. 10). Pinkerton provided security and investigative service to the railroad, offered private detective services and was actually the intelligence arm of the Union Army during the first half of the Civil War. In 1853 August Perry patented the first burglar alarm followed by Edwin Holmes in 1858, who produced the first central station burglar alarm. That same year, Washington Perry Brinks introduced the armored carriage for the transportation of valuables and money (Ortmeirer, 2009, pg. 10). Twentieth Century The quelling of labor unrest brought about a poor reputation to private security leading up to the Great Depression. Decades earlier, industries such as manufacturing, transportation and mining turned to agencies like Pinkerton for not only asset protection, but also to combat labor violence and break strikes. There were numerous violent incidents involving strikes resulting in civilian injury, deaths and job losses. One incident in particular was the Homestead Strike of 1892 in Pennsylvania, which culminated in a gun battle between Pinkerton agents and the strikers (Lipson, 1988). Incidents such as this eventually led to private security being viewed as ‘Knights of Capitalism’ by the public. Security companies were banned from carrying weapons and crossing state lines to break strikes in some states (Joh, 2006). There was a decline in the employment of private security during the Great Depression. According to The HUB, â€Å"There seems to be some controversy as to whe n the first proprietary security forces arose, but many sources attribute Henry Ford as the man who refined ‘in house’ security to factory work. As the automobile gained popularity so the industries providing the necessary materials for the factories producing them across the nation needed and utilized private security personnel. With the high unemployment and possibility of crime due to the Great Depression, private security further embedded itself within industry†(Hub pages, There was an expansion of private security leading up to and during World War II due to infrastructure, military and industrial security concerns. Post World War II saw an increase in the professionalism of private security, as returning veterans with military police experience began to seek employment in the security industry. Anti-espionage procedures established by the government during World War II carried over into the Cold War era, with the government insisting on a quality security force and plans, to protect defense contractors and government assets. The private security industry followed the government’s lead, thus entering the era of the security manager (Hub pages, The security industry increased in size in the mid twentieth century, as did the crime rate and police were unable to protect private property. Many organizations realized the value of protecting their personnel and property during this time. In 1955, the American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS) was formed and today is the world’s largest organization of security professionals. ASIS continues to formulate security policy and direct security programs in a vast number of businesses, industries and government operations (Ortmeirer, 2009, pg. 11-12). In 1970, private security continued to grow and matched the number of police personnel at 500,000. In 1976, the Task Force Report on Private Security was published and it was addressed for the first time that private security was an essential element to public safety. The Task Force recommended that the private sector be encouraged to nurture and improve the quality of security services and work with law enforcement to fight crime. This created an environment that saw the security industry continue to grow due to concerns over increased crime and limited law enforcement resources. By 1991, the number of security personnel had nearly tripled that of law enforcement and by the year 2000, private security personnel numbers rose to two million, clearly showing private security is the primary protective service (Ortmeirer, 2009, pg. 6-7, 13). Future The private security industry has made giant steps since the nineteenth century. It is clear from history that the private security industry must continue to complement the public police forces by providing innovative and needed support to industry and government. It must maintain and constantly improve upon its procedures and training, to keep the respect of the public, which it currently commands. It must above all remain one step ahead in today’s technological world, as M. Lipson (1988) stated, â€Å"The history of the ancient craft of private security may be illustrative of opportunities for those of the industry with foresight†(Lipson, 1988). It is crucial private security continue with its current expertise in antiterrorism and computer security operations. It is also imperative private security continue to foster the close, post-911relationships that were developed with law enforcement, from federal to state to local police agencies, to successfully move into th e future. References Joh, E.E. (2006). The Forgotten Threat: Private Policing and the State. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, 13(2), 364. Lipson, M. (1988). Private Security: A Retrospective. Annals Of The American Academy Of Political Social Science, 49811-22. Ortmeirer, P.J. (2009). Introduction to Security. Prentice Hall. The Hub (2009). (Hub pages,
Friday, September 20, 2019
Autism spectrum disorder
Autism spectrum disorder Autism spectrum disorder Introduction Autism is an overall term which is used to describe a group of complicated brain developmental disorder which is also called pervasive developmental disorder. There are other pervasive developmental disorders which include pervasive developmental disorder which is not yet specified, Asperngers syndrome, Rett syndrome, and childhood disintegrative disorder. This group of disorders is collectively referred to as Autism spectrum disorders (Morgan, Jones Jordan, 2001). Prevalence rate The prevalence rate of the disorder is estimated to be about 0.7% among children making it more prevalent than child cancer, juvenile diabetes, and pediatric AIDS. It is reported that around 1.5 millions of persons living in the United States and other numerous millions of people around the world are suffering from autism. The United States government figures show that the prevalence of autism among its population has been rising every year. The reason for the increase has not been found, but improved diagnosis and environmental influence are considered to be the cause for the increased awareness. Male children have been reported to be more prone to the disorder as compared to the female children and are diagnosed with the condition quite frequently. In the United States it is estimated that around 1% of the boys are diagnosed with the disorder (Ehlers Gillberg, 1993) Symptoms Every individual who is diagnosed with autism has unique signs which cannot be compared to that observed in another individual. This is so because autism is a combination of disorders, one persons condition can be very severe with the other person having a slight one. The commonly observed signs in individuals with autism include seizure disorders, gastrointestinal problems, mental retardation and illness. Explanations for the existence of these problems in individuals having autism are not known. It is possible to state that these additional conditions observed is evidence of various forms of autism with each being caused by different factors (Haley, 2006). Although the conditions listed above are quite commonly observed in individuals having autism as compared to those people who do not have autism, they are not observed in everybody suffering from autism. The other symptoms observed include social and communication symptoms, sensory and motor symptoms, and personality differences (Rudy, 2009).Autistic spectrum disorders have a common social interactions, communication, and imagination which are linked to stiff, continual prototype of manners. It usually begins at birth or at the fist three years of life, but can also start later on during the childs life. The triad of symptoms can be noticed at all levels of intelligence and can be observed alone or accompanied with some other physical or even psychological disorder (Editorials. 2009) Causes The main cause of autism is not yet established with the researchers citing the main cause being idiopathic. Since the disorder has varying severity and the clinical signs associated with it, it is suggested that the condition has various causes (Novella, 2008). Researchers suspect a cocktail of factors which might be considered to cause autism and they include multiple genetic components which might cause autism alone or when combined with other environmental factors which are not yet determined (Wing Gould, 1979) The time at which the child might have got exposed to these factors is also significant, for example, before birth, during birth or even after the child is already born. Very few cases of autism can be associated with genetic disorders like Fragile X, Tuberous Sclerosis, and Angelmans syndrome. Exposure to environmental factors which are infectious like maternal rubella or cytomegalovirus, or chemicals like thalidomide or valporate at the time of pregnancy (Ehlers Gillberg, 1993) There is an increasing interest among researchers on the function of immune system in the control of autism. There have been suggestions that autism may involve inflammation in the central nervous tissues (Wing Potter, 2008). Animal studies have also produced evidence on how the immune system of the body can influence symptoms which are linked to autism. There have been organized autism talks which aim at increasing the level of awareness and also investigations of useful immunological facts to researchers who are not in that field and those within the field of autism at the community level (Haley, 2006). Previously, autism was believed to be caused by bad parenting as was proposed by Dr. Leo Kanner in 1943. Because the definitive causes of autism is not yet established, it has become clear that bad parenting is not one of the possible causes of the disorder. Dr. Bernard Rimland who founded the Autism Society of America and the Autism Research Institute enabled the medical community to appreciate that autism does not come about as a result of cold parents but from biological origin (Mauro, 2009) Reasons for the recent awareness According to the professionals in the field of child development in Britain, there has been increase in the number of children diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorders. Dr. Kanner was the first person to characterize autism when he described it as a condition in a certain group of children with a strange pattern of behavior noticed after birth or before attaining the age of 30 months. He later referred to the condition as early infantile autism (Editorials. 2009) Many clinicians have a feeling that there has been an increase in the number cases of autism as compared to the past. Some current studies have showed high prevalence rates for autism. According to California health and human services agency report between the years 1987 to 1998, a period in which the research was done, there was rise in the number of individuals diagnosed with the disorder (Morgan, Jones Jordan 2001). Conclusion can therefore be made that the increase in the number of individuals reported with autistic spectrum disorders can be attributed to changes in referral patterns and in the methods of diagnosis, and the much knowledge of the different manifestations of the autistic conduct (Ownby, 2008).There might also be changes in the prevalence rates either locally and internationally with the cause not being known. Failure to carry out properly resourced prevalence studies, the condition of the disorder is likely to remain bleak (Mauro, 2009) Conclusion The evidence for the increase in the autistic spectrum is not yet clear because various researches has showed conflicting figures relating to the prevalence of the disorder. The condition still requires a lot of research work to shed light in its causes, prevalence rates and its management. References : Editorials (2009). Autistic spectrum disorders. Retrieved on 15th December, 2009 from: Ehlers, S. Gillberg, C. (1993). The epidemiology of Asperger syndrome: a total population Study,Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 34 (8), pp. 1327-1350. Haley, B. (2006). Vaccines and the changing epidemiology of autism. Child Care Health Dev. Retrieved on 15th December, 2009 from: Mauro, T. (2009). Autism Spectrum Disorders. Retrieved on 15th December, 2009 from: Morgan, H., Jones, H. Jordan R. (2001). A Guide to Services for Adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorders for Commissioners and Providers. Retrieved on 15th December, 2009 from:` Novella, S. (2008). The Increase in Autism Diagnoses: Two Hypotheses. Retrieved on 15th December, 2009 from: Rudy, L. J. (2009). A Definition of Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders. Retrieved on 15th December, 2009 from: Ownby, M. H. (2008). Raising Autism Awareness. Retrieved on 15th December, 2009 from: Wing, L. Potter, D. (2008). Notes on the prevalence of autism spectrum disorders. Retrieved on 15th December, 2009 from: Wing, L. Gould, J. (1979). Severe impairments of social interaction: and associated abnormalities in children: epidemiology and classification Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 9 (1), pp. 11-29.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Compare and contrast Death of a naturalist and Catrin :: English Literature
Compare and contrast Death of a naturalist and Catrin In both poems, the writers reflect on childhood and change. Heaney looks back on his childhood and the change he took while growing up where as Clarke is reflecting on childhood as an adult, a mother and how she copes, and her views of having a child, and being in child birth. In Heaney’s poem, Death of a Naturalist, he is reflecting on his childhood and the attitude he uses towards his childhood. The attitude he has changes during the poem, at first, in the first stanza, he looks back fondly at his childhood ‘I would fill jampotfuls of the jellied specks to range on the window sills at home’ (line11) ‘But best of all there was the warm thick slobber’ (line 8) This shows how much he likes nature and how much interest he has for it, how he even likes the ‘thick, warm slobber’. The style and voice of this stanza is happy and childlike. We can tell it is childlike by the way it is written, using long sentences and the repetition of the word ‘and’, ‘Miss Walls would tell us how the daddy frog was called a bullfrog and how he croaked and how the mammy frog laid hundreds of little eggs and this was frogspawn’ (line 15) But in the second stanza it changes, the tone of the stanza is less happy; it is serious and uses many negative phrases ‘Then one hot day when fields were rank’ (line 22) ‘Right down the dam gross - bellied frogs were cocked’ (line 27) And also fearful is the tone ‘I knew that if I dipped my hand the spwan would clutch it’ (line33) He shows he now no longer likes nature ‘I sickened, turned and ran’ (line31) that is the change. In Clarke’s poem ‘Catrin’ she has mixed feelings of her child throughout ‘In the glass tank clouded with feelings’ (line19). In the first stanza it is before she has given birth and she tells it as a fight ‘our first fierce confrontation’ (line7) Representing the birth. ‘Red rope of love which we both fought over’ (line 8) This is obviously the umbilical cord. She does not look fondly upon giving birth as she shows it as a fight ‘Our struggle to become separate’ (line 16) Nor does she seem fond of the child after it is born in the second stanza, she shows she is in battle even though the birth has finished ‘Neither won nor lost the struggle’ (line 18) ‘Tightening about my life’ (line26). But although she shows she doesn’t seem to like the child she loves it ‘trailing love and Compare and contrast Death of a naturalist and Catrin :: English Literature Compare and contrast Death of a naturalist and Catrin In both poems, the writers reflect on childhood and change. Heaney looks back on his childhood and the change he took while growing up where as Clarke is reflecting on childhood as an adult, a mother and how she copes, and her views of having a child, and being in child birth. In Heaney’s poem, Death of a Naturalist, he is reflecting on his childhood and the attitude he uses towards his childhood. The attitude he has changes during the poem, at first, in the first stanza, he looks back fondly at his childhood ‘I would fill jampotfuls of the jellied specks to range on the window sills at home’ (line11) ‘But best of all there was the warm thick slobber’ (line 8) This shows how much he likes nature and how much interest he has for it, how he even likes the ‘thick, warm slobber’. The style and voice of this stanza is happy and childlike. We can tell it is childlike by the way it is written, using long sentences and the repetition of the word ‘and’, ‘Miss Walls would tell us how the daddy frog was called a bullfrog and how he croaked and how the mammy frog laid hundreds of little eggs and this was frogspawn’ (line 15) But in the second stanza it changes, the tone of the stanza is less happy; it is serious and uses many negative phrases ‘Then one hot day when fields were rank’ (line 22) ‘Right down the dam gross - bellied frogs were cocked’ (line 27) And also fearful is the tone ‘I knew that if I dipped my hand the spwan would clutch it’ (line33) He shows he now no longer likes nature ‘I sickened, turned and ran’ (line31) that is the change. In Clarke’s poem ‘Catrin’ she has mixed feelings of her child throughout ‘In the glass tank clouded with feelings’ (line19). In the first stanza it is before she has given birth and she tells it as a fight ‘our first fierce confrontation’ (line7) Representing the birth. ‘Red rope of love which we both fought over’ (line 8) This is obviously the umbilical cord. She does not look fondly upon giving birth as she shows it as a fight ‘Our struggle to become separate’ (line 16) Nor does she seem fond of the child after it is born in the second stanza, she shows she is in battle even though the birth has finished ‘Neither won nor lost the struggle’ (line 18) ‘Tightening about my life’ (line26). But although she shows she doesn’t seem to like the child she loves it ‘trailing love and
The Definition of Power :: Definition Essays Power Authority
The Definition of Power      Power is many things. It is the ability to control people in their sayings and/or actions. It is the ability to get whatever you want. Power is a necessary component in any society, otherwise all pandemonium would break loose; leaders must be established. But, when taken to an extreme, power is not good, and pandemonium will break loose.      As Lord Acton said, "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." A good example of this is Adolph Hitler in Nazi Germany. He believed he could not be stopped and that rules did not apply to him. By being given absolute power, he corrupted the government. No attempt was made to stop this by the Germans, because of the control he had. People were either scared to stop this, or were brainwashed into believing it. Finally the U.S. had to step in and try to stop Hitler, and World War II broke out.      But power is not all bad though. As was stated earlier, it is necessary in any group of people, and there will be struggle to achieve it--be it a country, a business, or a sports team. Athletics is a good example of where there is a constant power struggle. In every league, every player wants control. They want what they think should happen (during games), to happen. Recently, in the NBA, Dennis Rodman took this struggle to an extreme. In disagreement with an official's call, Rodman head-butted the official, and through a temper- tantrum on his way off the court. Quite obviously, this is bad. Every player in the league agrees to the rules set by the NBA from the beginning. The rules are made to keep control, and the officials have power to enforce these rules. If there were no regulations, players would be doing whatever they wanted whenever they wanted. If Rodman's antics would have taken place somewhere other than a basketball court he probably would be in trouble with the law. If he were to argue with a police officer, for example, the same way he did with the referee, he probably would be put in jail or at very least heavily fined. Well, the NBA is not going to put anyone in jail for this, but they did fine him and suspend him for a couple of games. Basically Rodman is as bad as any street bully who picks on or beats up little kids. Only he does it on a basketball court, so generally it is considered "part of the game." In nine out of ten cases, a fine is levied, and all is forgotten.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 :: American America History
The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 The debate of the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 revealed bitter controversies on a number of issues. Most of the controversies had, however, arose even before these acts; as far back as the penning of the Constitution. The writers of the Constitution knew that as time proceeded, the needs and demands of the nation and of the people would change, leading to controversy. By not assigning specific powers to specific groups/parties, governments, they unintentionally created a vast problem in the years to come. Subsequently following the ratification of the constitution, two leading groups formed; the Federalists and the Antifederalists, each believing in exact opposite interpretations of the Constitution. The Federalist Party was headed by the newly appointed Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, who thought the interpretation of the Constitution should be very loose. Hamilton believed the Constitution encompassed powers other than those authorized or enumerated. These hidden powers, claimed Hamilton, were implied powers. Hamilton stated it would be essential that the federal government should gain control over any later added account to the nation. Significantly, Hamilton aspired to put these implied powers to use in requisition to build a powerful and domineering central government. In opposition to Hamilton?s Federalist Party, Jefferson who believed in strict interpretation of the Constitution. Jefferson anticipated that everything should be done through strict evaluation and a laws should abide by what is written. Although Jefferson was not a Federalist, he was also not an Antifederalist; he was a Democratic-Republican, a composite of the two. Jefferson vindicated that all powers not enumerated by the Constitution are obtained by the States. Issues between the two groups lead to the imperative question: should a strong central government be established or should each individual state have control? The attacks of the succeeding debate and public scurrility led to the Sedition Act. This act prohibited intermingling and conspiracy against the America government and the correspondence of scandalous and malicious writings against the government or its officials, under penalty of a fine or imprisonment. Succeeding the Sedition Act, the Republicans turned to the stat es arguing that federal government had strode past their powers; the powers delegated to it by the states through the Constitution. Therefore the states acquired the right to repeal the act. Another issue was what to do about the problem of immigration that rapidly increased after the Revolution.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Difficulties of Studying Abroad Essay
The benefits of studying abroad do justify the difficulties due to being new to the country and not knowing where to start from and the difficulty of the foreign language that the student may face. My advice to the student is that to be familiar with the country that he/she is applying for, so they can be able to communicate with others easily without having to go through a hard time looking through a dictionary to explain themselves and not to feel lost. Mostly the difficulties that the student goes through is the travel and living costs may be considerably higher than a comparable period at your home institution, even if you are receiving a grant to cover some of the costs. Another difficulty that you may face is the academic performance in the foreign language you are aware of could be limited and your understanding wouldn’t be the same as your own language. Also you might find the type of teaching unproductive; especially if you are going from an environment with lots of teacher/student contact to one with lectures and large classes. Adapting in the social environment, habits, and customs could be difficult. Although all the the difficulties that were mentioned, you can benefit from them by experiencing another educational system that can be instructive and insightful, and an opportunity to get to know and travel around a country in a way that is not possible on a holiday or short visit. Also acquiring advanced language skills can be personally enriching and an asset for your future. As I mentioned before about the benefits and difficulties of studying abroad, I hope I have helped you with my advice with being more familiar in choosing where you will end up in the future.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Leningrad Cemetery, Winter of 1941 Analysis
Matt Cingari E 110 February 11, 2010 Sharon Olds’ â€Å"Leningrad Cemetery, Winter of 1941†is a very sad and dreary poem. This is because Olds writes about the Battle of Leningrad, a 900-day siege of Leningrad during World War II, and the lifelessness that is going on afterwards. Olds’ word choice throughout the poem is very important to the meaning of this poem. The way that she writes about this battle paints a very clear picture in my mind of what she is describing. Many times thorough the poem, Olds compares life and death many times with different comparisons.Olds starts off the poem by saying: â€Å"That winter, the dead could not be buried. †’(1) This creates a sad tone for when the rest of the poem. She then talks about the atmosphere of the aftermath of the battle with words that help you create a very vivid picture in your head of what she is talking about. She says things like â€Å"the ground was frozen†(2), â€Å"sub-zero airâ € (5), â€Å"dark cloth†(6), and â€Å"their pale, gauze, tapered shapes†(9). To me, these descriptive words help me create a visual of what is written down because these words are sad and dark descriptive words.Olds also says: â€Å"So they were covered with something/ and taken on a child’s sled to the cemetery/ in the sub-zero air. †(3-5) When Olds says this it makes me think whether she put the word â€Å"child’s†in the poem on purpose. I think she put this in because a child’s sled is used in the winter to have fun; however, Olds says that they are using it as a way to transfer dead bodies to the cemetery. This is because she is comparing life and death by using a sled, which is supposed to be used for fun in the winter, as a transportation device of corpses.When Olds says â€Å"stiff as cocoons that will be split down the center/ when the new life inside is prepared;†(10-11) Again, Olds is comparing life and death by comparing the stiff corpses to cocoons. The ambiguity in this comparison is that the poem says that the cocoon will split down the center bringing new life when it is ready. I think she says this because when she says that when the cocoon splits to start a new life, it could mean that their new life is not here on earth, but in heaven.Though, the cocoon comparison could also mean that the battle was a turning point in the war. This is because Russia gained momentum against Germany with that victory, which did start a â€Å"new life†in the war. â€Å"A hand reaching out/ with no sign of peace, wanting to come back†(15-16) is another comparison of life to death. Olds is saying that the lifeless corpse is still making a gesture saying that the dead would return if they could at any price.She says that those people who died in the battle, the corpses, would do anything â€Å"even to the bread make of glue and sawdust, / even to the icy winter, and the siege. †(1 8-19) I think that the moral of this poem is that life is precious, and that life should never be taken for granted. I think this is because the whole poem is comparisons between life and death, and because she says that the people who have passed away would do anything possible to come back to life, even under the worst conditions, to be loved, to love, and to be with the people they love.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Case 7.8 First Securities Company
From the time Ladislas Nay arrived to United States at a young age of 18, he learned that this was the land of opportunity, this sense of hope allowed him to achieve â€Å"success. †However, his â€Å"success†led him to not only cheat and steal people out of their money; it also led him to steal a life filled with happiness for himself and his family. Living with this guilt, and no longer could bear the burden of deceiving widowers out of their money he committed suicide, by not only killing himself but his wife as well.This all began with Ladislas Nay working in a small brokerage firm; he worked hard learning the ropes of the business. From there he went on to work for a few more businesses before landing his final job working for the brokerage firm of Ryan-Nichols & Company. This is where it all began for Ladislas Nay, after a few years of working for Ryan-Nichols and Company; he achieved the status of becoming President of the company and had more than 90 percent o f the company’s outstanding common stock. He was very well known; he had many friends and was liked by all his clients.Ladislas Nay began his manipulation by telling his clients to invest into a fund that he was in charge of. He then turned around and used the funds to lend to other companies; these companies would pay interest on the money loaned. However, Ladislas Nay own company was not aware of him taking people’s money and loaning it to other companies. He was scamming friends and widowers into investing large amount of money into this so called â€Å"fund. †After 30 years this all came to a final end, and Nay’s scam was exposed.Everyone became aware of Nay’s so called â€Å"fund,†and how he had achieved in scheming friends out of their money. He left them with nothing, and even left one widower â€Å"penniless. †However, investors were not happy with this and decided to file a civil lawsuit in order to retrieve their millions of dollars of money they had invested with Nay. Investors felt that if Ladislas Nay’s company where investigated properly this whole scam could have been prevented. However, the courts weren’t hearing this and felt the company was investigated properly.Investors would not give up and pursued in trying to get their money back. They were in and out of court rooms, until finally the investors decided to go after the previous accounting firm. The investors filed suit against Ernst & Ernst, their defense was negligence, investors felt this type of negligence could have been avoided if only they did their jobs correctly. The accounting firm failed to comply with the General Standards rule 201, which states that agencies must exercise due professional care, professional competence, planning and supervision and having sufficient relevant data.In order for Nay to keep himself from being detected of committing fraud he had established a â€Å"mail rule,†where no one was allowed to open or touch any letters that was for him or sent to him. Auditors relied on internal evidence as their source of evidence on documents provided in order to base their opinion. Nay’s illegal act caused financial statements to be materially misstated and external auditors were not aware of his illegal acts. This type of ineffective internal control risk would have been detected by auditors if only they did their job correctly.An audit team’s responsibility is to design procedures to provide reasonable assurance that material frauds that might misstate the financial statements are detected. This would have raised a red flag and they would have approached Nay with a professional skepticism. They would have requested all documents as evidence, in order to validate whether what he was saying and stating in fact was true. Auditors would have traced all documents to test whether all events are recorded, which would have established a state of completeness. Howeve r, due to false documents, the auditors would have found Ladislas Nays of committing fraud.The courts felt differently and dismissed the case stating there was no substantive evidence to support the allegation. Investors were unhappy with this and decided to appeal this, the SEC became involved and also stated that the investors were entitled to documents that were of true statements, and the duty of the auditor is to provide this. The courts felt the auditor’s intention was not of negligence or fraudulent behavior, and decided there was not enough evidence to hold them liable for this and the court dismissed the case.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Nextgen for Airports Essay
Abstract Rarely in the world of academia does a student get to write a paper on something they are actually interested in. That is exactly what has happened in my case this term. From my days in the United States Air Force I’ve been fascinated by aircraft, aircraft technology, and how the daily operations of the worlds flights are coordinated. Nextgen is the future of aircraft travel technology, and this paper will explain its past, present, and future. What is Nextgen? NextGen stands for Next Generation Air Transportation System. NextGen is a transformative change in the way aircraft flight is managed, and the operations of how we fly. NextGen enhances safety, reduces delays, saves fuel and reduces aviation’s adverse environmental impact. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has been in the process of intergrating new and existing technologies for many years now. This is a comprehensive effort to conduct the largest aircraft travel transformation in the history of flight. This transformation includes integrating satellites navigation and super advanced digital communications. Airports and aircraft in the National Airspace System will be connected to NextGen’s advanced infrastructure and will continually share real-time information to provide a better travel experience. (, 2012) NextGen’s astonishing transformation includes six core transformational programs: Collaborative Air Traffic Management Technologies, Data Communications, System Wide Information Management, NextGen Network Enabled Weather, NAS Voice System and Automatic Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast. These programs will facilitate the largest air transport transformation in history. According to the FAA website, there will be a continuous roll-out of improvements and upgrades, the FAA is building the capability to guide and track air traffic more precisely and efficiently to save fuel and reduce noise and pollution. NextGen is better for our environment, and better for our economy. NextGen for Airports The United States’ air transportation industry is and has been on the verge of bursting at the seams for more than a decade now. What NextGen means to the U.S. air traffic system is new capabilities that will improve safety and accessibility at airports. Also, Nextgen will allow for future air traffic growth, NextGen capabilities will help commercial airports accommodate the demand for additional capacity in a safe, efficient and environmentally responsible manner. (, 2012) The FAA provides an example of what NextGen means to the U.S. air traffic system: â€Å"the sharing and use of newly available surface surveillance data to track aircraft and vehicles will enhance safety and enable airports to make better use of existing capacity. And while airport surface improvement is one of the main near-term areas of emphasis, work is also underway on other initiatives, such as improving operations on closely spaced parallel, converging and intersecting runways.†On any given day, more than 87,000 flights are in the skies in the United States. Only one-third is commercial carriers, like American, United or Southwest. On an average day, air traffic controllers handle 28,537 commercial flights (major and regional airlines), 27,178 general aviation flights (private planes), 24,548 air taxi flights (planes for hire), 5,260 military flights and 2,148 air cargo flights (Federal Express, UPS, etc.). At any given moment, roughly 5,000 planes are in the skies above the United States. In one year, controllers handle an average of 64 million takeoffs and landings. (, 2012) These are mind boggling statistics that would frighten even the most seasoned air traveler at best. I have several air traffic controller buddies who make greyhound seem more feasible everyday. Gate to Gate According to Sarah Brown with the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) using traditional technology controllers could only clear two aircraft into Steamboat Springs, Colorado an hour; but by using NextGen technology Wide Area Multilateralation (WAM) their capacity was increased to 10 aircraft an hour. This increase in landings directly affects the local economy through landing fee’s, increase in passenger revenue, tourism, and a myriad of other revenue generating sources to include: parking fee’s, car rentals, concessions, land rentals, and tenant fee’s. By increasing an airports capacity NextGen not only means faster, safer travel but also it means increased revenue’s for all parties involved. As FAA officials discuss the switch from ground based to satellite surveillance and navigation systems this vast improvement will ultimately lead to increased â€Å"gate to gate†air travel. (Brown, 2012) Not only does NextGen improve travel for airline passengers but the new technologies will provide more access for general aviation as well. Why NextGen Matters Typically in aviation it takes a catastrophic event to set change in motion. To use a phrase I heard a previous instructor use â€Å"it takes metal on metal to force a change in the aviation industry†. The FAA states, â€Å"NextGen will help us be even more proactive about preventing accidents with advanced safety management to enable us, with other government agencies and aviation partners, to better predict risks and then identify and resolve hazards.†Also, â€Å"NextGen boils down to getting the right information to the right person at the right time. It will help controllers and operators make better decisions. This data will assist operators in keeping employees and passengers better informed.†In today’s modern society every industry preaches safety, safety, safety my question is why does it take such catastrophic events to take the safer route? Safety matters, which is why NextGen matters! Economic Impact In all industries and business the bottom line is revenue, regardless if its Microsoft, Delta Airlines, Dow Chemical, or Colonial Pipeline. While some company’s vision may be noble, they are in business to make money. NextGen’s transformation is no different. NextGen is creating vast economic opportunities for those tasked to implement the changes such as General Dynamics to those in receipt of the technologies such as airports. Our nation’s economy depends on aviation. NextGen lays a foundation that will continually improve and accommodate future needs of air travel while strengthening the economy with one seamless global sky. NextGen will help communities make better use of their airports. More robust airports can help communities attract new jobs, and help current employers expand their businesses. By doing this the U.S. will strengthen its economy and help communities realize all the benefits that aviation can bring. (, 2012) Conclusion NextGen is one of the largest air transport system undertakings the world has ever seen, while such an undertaking has its nobility it is also strife with problems. The sheer lack of funding for such an immense task has been holding back the implementation of the transformation. With such a delay new technologies become outdated in the fast past world of technology. However, since I was a child I’ve been fascinated with airplanes and air travel so much so that I joined the Air Force. The advances in the technology used and proposed in NextGen leads me to believe in the continued growth of our National Air System. References About FAA NextGen. (n.d.). General Dynamics FAA NextGen. Retrieved from Flight Planning. (n.d.). FAA: NextGen to Guide You ‘gate to Gate’ Retrieved from National Air Traffic Controllers Association – Homepage. (n.d.). National Air Traffic Controllers Association – Homepage. Retrieved from Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen). (n.d.). Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen). Retrieved from
Friday, September 13, 2019
Femme Fatale Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Femme Fatale - Essay Example It was a remedy to the conservative society that limited the free expressions of one’s creativity and faith. It is therefore, indirect representations of absolute truths via images and objects, both suggestively and metaphorically. In literature, it started with publications of â€Å"Le fleurs du mal†(flowers of evil )by Charles Baudalaire who also greatly admired and later on translated works of Edgar Allan Poe forming the basis for stock tropes and images. Symbolism was further developed by Stephane Mallarme and Paul Valaine in the 1860’s and 70s. The term ‘symbolism’ was first used by a critic, Jean Moreas , who sought to find a distinction between symbolists and other decadents of literature and art. Symbolism and gothic romantics share a close relation. They both have no limiting techniques of presentation; therefore encourage the ‘free verse’ ideology to encourage creativity and comprehensive representation of one’s thought s and talent as evident in poems of Gustav Khan and Ezra Pound. As a result of this, symbolism became sanctuary to free will and from there; characteristic themes of mysticism, mortality and sexuality came into play which Albert Samain termed as â€Å"fruit of death upon the tree of life†There is symbolism in fine art that though similar in the main fabric as that in literature, is distinct. In visual art, it was a continuation of mystical tendencies in the romantic tradition. Symbolism in visual art was more widely spread that symbolism in poetry. Other areas of applied symbolism are in music, prose fiction and theatre. This research paper looks at the differences in the symbolism in â€Å"Judith†a paint work of Gustav Klimt. Gustav (July 14th 1862- February 6th 1918) was an Austrian painter specializing in paintings, murals and sketches and his main subject was the female human form, a femme de fatale, i.e. a mysterious and highly seductive woman. It compares the G ustav’s painting of Judith with a present day femme fatale. I have chosen Angelina Jolie as my present day seductive and dangerous woman. Anelina is both and actress and a humanitarian ambassador of our current age whose interaction with the world especially with the men both in the theatre and in real life has raised enough eyebrows and had enough men fall victim to her seductive and witty ways. ARTISTS’ REVIEW JUDITH. Judith was a biblical heroine in Venice who seduced and decapitated General Holofernes in an attempt to save her city Bethulia from destruction by the Assyrian army. This accorded her popularity in the Middle Ages onwards as a symbol of virtue overcoming vice. She was a Jewish widow who compromised her virtues for the greater good of her country men. The painting of Judith by Klimt was modeled by Adele Bloch-Baur whose beauty and coquettish aura and sense of fashion were not far fetched from what Judith was. Judith’s sensuality and seduction as s he held up high the head of Holoferns shocked the Vienna inhabitants and for a long time , they could not come into terms with her actions and personality, a no doubt femme fatale who had nothing to hide. Although Judith decapitated Holoferns, she herself in the painting also seems decapitated. She wears clothes that half conceal half expose her body, a gold chocker that clearly separates her head form her body and at the hem of her shirt, though ornamental cuts across her abdomen like a flat belt. This shows some level of slavery within her although she herself saves her city. Judith therefore comes across as a brave woman who stands out from the crowd. She could have ignored the city’s safety and eloped and got sanctuary in a far land, after all, she was widowed and had nothing to lose if she moved. She nust have read the atmosphere of her city men, either they were
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Zara Brand Equity and Brand Positioning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Zara Brand Equity and Brand Positioning - Essay Example As the discussion stresses from Zara we can identify the broad strategies applied to strengthen the brand being as follows: the marketing mix, its people, short lead times and scarce supply. However, that is not to say that the Zara brand’s success lay solely on the mentioned factors. The organization as a whole has been able to clearly-define its brand values and allowed them to permeate throughout the entire organization. Zara has a distinct ownership for management of the brand right from the top management level. This has meant that critical activities such as sales, operations, customer service, product development and others are made use of in supporting the whole organization’s strategic management process.From this paper it is clear that the marketing mix is represented by product, price, place and promotion. With regards to product, the Zara strategy has been to anticipate the latest fashion in apparel and to produce them before other competitors. Secondly, the garments are manufactured to be non-durable so as to prompt the consumer not to store them in their wardrobes but to wear them and to visit Zara shops frequently for replenishment. Thirdly, the company ensures that its stores have a wide variety of products because each store receives new products at least twice per week. Clothes that have low demand are quickly spotted, removed and replaced by new trendier designs such that customers are always spoilt for choice.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Risk Allocation for an Insurance Company Term Paper
Risk Allocation for an Insurance Company - Term Paper Example The level of risk of an insurance company is measured by the probability to pay out under an insurance policy that they have issued. Identification of risk factors is very important for an insurance company. Actuary studies the insurance payout history and also identifies the risk factor for each and every insurance policy due to which the insurance company has to pay out. For example: - people who are in their sixties may die in next five years than who are in their twenties (Crews, 2009). According to insurance companies, they need to bear the risk of occupancy like common hazards due to heat and power, special hazards due to flammable hazards in manufacturing industry or hazard caused by smoking habit of an individual. To protect the insured from those hazards, insurance companies provide some protections like improvement in quality of fire department in municipality to protect the interest of public. To protect any individual or any particular organization, they recommend smoke d etectors, fire alarm, watchmen and automatic water sprinkler system. Insurance companies also recommend that a high hazardous business should not set up beside a lower hazardous business. Insurance companies choose their risk based on different criteria like- 1. Lifestyle 2. Behavioral Risk 3. Occupational Risk. Lifestyle risk defines that insurance companies certainly does not like those people who are engaged with Sky diving, car racing or bungee jumping. Because these activities involve high risk and leads difficulty in getting insurance. Insurance companies have identified some behavioral risks like people who have habit of smoking or chewing tobacco as these habits involve risk towards serious illness. Thus insurance companies choose it as their asset risk. Insurance companies have identified some occupational risk for which they either charge high premium or don’t want to cover it which includes occupations like explosive handling, law enforcement officers. There are al so some insurance companies who are specialized in insurance related to high risk with a high premium rates. The premium helps them to cover cost of risk. Insurance companies choose their liability risk such as conditions for coverage which includes risk related to breach of the contract, damage and duty of the contract. Generally liability depends on its likeliness to happen and on the product. Underwriting Process in Insurance:- Underwriters are those people who assess the capability of a business enterprise or an individual. Underwriting refers to a specific process which is used by financial service providers like banks, insurance companies, and investment house to analyze the ability of a customer to receive equity share, insurance, mortgage and loan. Purpose of underwriting includes achievement and maintenance of profitability of a business and to reduce the adverse effect of risk. Underwriting also helps to earn adequate surplus over the cost of production by following the gu idelines of underwriting. Insurance underwriters analyze the exposure and risk portfolio of the client to decide that whether the client should get the insurance coverage or not and even if he gets then how much should be the premium and the amount of coverage he should receive. Insurance companies have their own set of guidelines which helps the underwriter to decide how much risk the company should accept.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Gender Equality Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Gender Equality - Research Paper Example The progression of women’s rights has been to open up their lives so that instead of being legally dependant, they could live a public life, own both land and their own person, and to have equal opportunities within the work place and the corporate world in order to be able to provide sufficiently for that autonomy. With the passing of this initiative, the opportunities for women will be addressed and assessed, furthering the goals of women’s rights to equality in society. Until very recently society has had a very distinct view on the roles of men and women, creating separate spheres in which their worlds evolved. Labor was divided by what was deemed appropriate for men and what was appropriate for women. The behaviors within society that were defined by these roles were thought of as normal, while deviating from these roles was considered abnormal behavior (Smith and Kornblum, 2008, p. 336). Roles for men and women were divided according to the sociological need that was present. However, as the nineteenth century came to a close, and the twentieth century was born, great and unique historical changes were occurring that would begin the transition towards equality for women. At the turn of the 19th century to the 20th century, women’s suffrage was a hot topic, creating a movement that revolutionized the political landscape of the United States. However, it was not within the search for the right to vote that women first applied their influences and power in order to create social change in the United States. During the abolitionist movements of the mid 19th century, it was the actions of a great many women that supported the freedom of slaves (Adams, 2003, p.12). By the end of the century, the power of women to move sociological considerations was well established and the new cause took form of political voice. For most of history, the roles that were applied to the genders were suspected to be defined biologically. Therefore, the way
Monday, September 9, 2019
Genesis 12-15, 18 summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Genesis 12-15, 18 summary - Essay Example Abram builds an altar in the mountain to honour him: making it a tradition in every places he pitches tent. He made covenant with God in this alter that on His (God) promises to him. There was a time famine struck the land he was dwelling in causing him to enter Egypt by lying that Sarai was his sister. The government officials see her beauty and forward her to Pharaoh who promises Abraham a lot of wealth and slaves in exchange for her. Later the lord strikes the house of Pharaoh with plaques after which pharaoh learns of the deceit thereby confronting Abram. In the end Abram leaves Egypt chastened and wealthy. Among the many promised to him, the lord likens his Abram’s descendants to the stars in the sky. Abraham goes through so much around that period and by chapter 15, the lord changes his name from Abram to Abraham and his wife from Sarai to Sarah. In chapter 18, the Abraham is visited by three people as he was sitting at the entrance of his tent. He greats them in recognition as his Lords and welcomes them in; offering food and a place to sleep. They ask of Sarah and promised Abraham that a time like that the next year, she will be carrying a baby. Of course due to her old age Sarah laughs it off. When walking out the servants noticed Sodom and Gomorrah and how wicked the place was. Abraham pleads with them not to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. The servants decide to leave that place without destroying it since Abraham had pleaded that there might about ten people who are still righteous in the eyes of the
Rituals of Islam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Rituals of Islam - Assignment Example Prayer serves myriad purposes such as teaching self-discipline that is required to perform prayer regularly and at proper times, to perform ablution that precedes prayer. Prayer is the central point of the life of a Muslim, which enables him to maintain a strong link with their Lord or continue his inner struggle against temptation. These aspects remind a Muslims of the limited and temporary nature of this worldly life and the certainty of death and life to come. Thus, it enables a Muslim to maintain a balance between the needs and claims of this life and the Hereafter (Brockopp 156). Similarly, Jews also perform prayer (Tefilah) three times a day: morning, afternoon and evening. Like Muslims, they believe that prayer should be performed with utmost concentration as it reminds them of God’s presence and countless blessings. Primarily, Jewish prayers are recited in Hebrew like Muslim prayers are recited in Arabic. However, Jewish prayers can be offered in any vernacular language, as Jews believe that God can understand them regardless of the language used. Jewish prayer is usually performed in a group of at least ten people called ‘minyan’. In contrast, though congregational prayers are considered more meritorious for Muslims; however, there is no barrier to praying singly. Similarly, like Islamic prayers, concentration (kavanah), and mindset that one is conversing with God is a pre-requisite for Jewish prayers. Jews believe that daily prayers direct their soul, heart, and mind away from everyday matters towards God. It reminds them of their co re beliefs and intensifies their bond with God. Thus, the fundamental purposes and significance of prayers in Islam and Judaism is the
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Visual culture of cosmetics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Visual culture of cosmetics - Essay Example In life,a woman is both a generation of red roses which passes its genetics properly to the following off-springs and the rose in the hair of a baby child when attending another womans wedding:a symbol of the cycle of life(a child comes from love,grows in love and embarks on the ship of love to the next home that it will nourish in the following family.)this is the cycle of womanhood in life as properly as possible the more the woman is more intellectual and thoughtful and caring and loving and unbalanced in her life. Women are schools of thoughts,the better they are raised,the better the off-springs of following generations there are. Photo one is about intellect:the woman in her early years of understanding life through reading and becoming the next Jane Austen of her age and what she admires most in life is loving intellect and for women to be empowered to be the most well bred beings which are the pride of the fathers and families instead of the pride in men because of gender preferentials. Photo two is about family:when a woman is intellectual there is a greater chance of her becoming a better mother for the family. The best civilization that could portray women is the Ancient Egyptian. This civilization shows women to be the reason why such civilization flourished:because women knew where to stand in society and raised men who lead an empire to its eternity. Photo three is about maternal love:with a well nourished and fearless child surrounded by motherly love he or she could rise in life and be a soaring eagle when in the upper parts of the atmosphere and still breathe the fresh air and not choke or suffocate of any kind of fumes as it will be able to flourish and nurture its ambitions under all conditions having the base of such ambition strong and well bred through the main source of it:the mother. Photo four is about the future in the eyes of the child:the mother works for the child and is best seen as someone who loves to be
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Human Resources And Organisational Development Essay
Human Resources And Organisational Development - Essay Example The company undertook aggressive expansion strategy by establishing budget clothing stores in malls and purchasing chains of travel agents. The company also created the â€Å"Montague†in honor of the founder of the company. 80 percent of the income was from the grocery business. Later, Mercury Consolidated acquired Smith’s and installed new managers with the objective of out competing Allworld Foods. Mercury Consolidated had initially embarked on similar strategies in New Zealand, France and South Africa. Allworld depended on other business lines like clothing, Montagues and travel to buffer the revenues when grocery business was declining. Smith’s ne management implemented new product mix and streamlined operations. Smith’s ventured in new markets Generation Y and Generation X. Within two years, Allworld dividends declined and employees expressed a lot of grievances with the management. Shareholders raised concerns of the remuneration of the management. According to the CEO, Lily Chambers, new a cultural shift was needed and was only possible to start at the top. The paper will discuss the need of changes in the organisational culture and processes in order to survive in the changing external environment. The paper will also analyze the current culture of Allworld and the desired culture. Lastly, the paper will offer recommendations that should be implemented in order to attain competitive strength and market share in the industry. Current organisational culture and desired organisational culture There are numerous reasons that may lead to failure of organisational market share. The decline in the market share can be... This report stresses that the CEO will then have to remove all the obstacles to the cultural changes. For instance, a review of performance evaluation methods, job descriptions and remuneration methods will assist in removing the hu8man obstacles to the cultural changes. The next step will involve creating short term wins. The short term wins are early indicators of the organisational cultural changes. The CEO should set time frames for the short term wins that could be like within a year. The early targets should be easy to achieve and may include low employee absenteeism. The management should then build on the short term win in order to ensure total organisational cultural changes. New product development and creativity should be the defining culture of Allworld. This essay makes a conclusion that the management of Allworld has relied on traditional aggressive pricing and advertising strategies to stay competitive in the market. There is evidence of poor management practices and lack of planning. Allworld lacks a contingency plan that can enable the company to effectively respond to urgent changes in the market. The management should change the values, assumptions and beliefs of the organisational culture. Scanning of the environment will enable Allworld to understand the competitive strengths and strategies of all the competitors. Allworld should conduct research on the changing customer needs since customers are no longer attracted to the low pricing strategy.
Friday, September 6, 2019
Rage Against Machine Three Rebels Essay Example for Free
Rage Against Machine Three Rebels Essay The protagonists of the novels Emma by Jane Austen, My Name is Asher Lev by Chaim Potok, and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain all share a rebellious streak that both serves them well and causes them trouble in their respective novels. However, these protagonists didnt operate with a wild disregard to the rules of their society and times. Rather, all three characters are constrained in the end by the mores of Victorian England, Orthodox Jewish society and 19th century Southern values respectively. Exploring such aspects of Emma, My Name is Asher Lev, and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, as theme, historical context, and psychological traits, it will be shown that despite Emma Woodhouses disdain for the institution of marriage, Asher Levs living in the two seemingly opposite worlds of art and Jewish society, and Huckelberry Finns lack of respect for social refinement and rules, the three protagonists did not entirely succeed in their goals of living lives that went against the grain of their societies. Emma Woodhouse was described in the pages of Emma as a â€Å" handsome, clever, and rich †(Austen, p. 1, 1816) young woman who was the apple of her doting fathers eye and the mistress of Hartfield, their family estate. Taking credit for the union of her former governess and a Mr. Weston, Emma decided to further hone her â€Å"matchmaking†skills by setting up her friend Harriet Smith with various men of higher social status. This interest in Harriet Smiths marriage prospects directly contradicts Emmas own quest to remain single in a society that offered women only bleak alternatives to marriage. Despite Emmas twin resolves to remain single and find Harriet a suitable mate, Emma eventually caved into the demands that were made on women of high social status when she gets engaged and realized that Harriet marrying a farmer named Robert Martin would forever alter their relationship. Asher Lev, the protagonist of My Name is Asher Lev, had loved to draw ever since he was small. His father, an important figure in the Ladover community, tried to discourage his son from getting too serious about his art while his mother implored Asher to draw pictures that were â€Å"pretty†, an assault to her sons melancholy artistic temperment. Despite reading in an art book that an artist should be free of religion, country, etc, Asher decides that he will try to balance being a devout Jew with being a passionate artist. Under the guidance of Jacob Kahn, a non-practicing Jewish artist, Ashers art and his knowledge flourishes as he explores the use of crucifixes in his work. Asher is uneasy about showing the crucifixion pictures in a show, but he goes through with it, being true to his calling as an artist. The crucifixes ultimately prove to be Asher Levs undoing as he is shunned by his parents and the Ladover community in general. Huckleberry Finn, the protagonist in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, is an adolescent boy who enjoys looking for trouble with his friend Tom Sawyer way more than trying to become a civilized boy at the hands of the widow and Miss Watson. After running away from his drunkard father, he decides to travel with Jim, who left Miss Watsons house after he found out that Miss Watson was thinking of selling him. Even though Huckleberry Fin grows attached to Jim, he harbors doubts throughout the story about hiding a runaway slave. He even thinks about turning Jim in before deciding that having a conscience just wasnt worth the mental agony of losing his friend. In the end, the protagonists rebellious act of helping a slave escape his captors prove to be for nothing as Miss Watson, his former master, decides to set him free. All three novels have themes that somehow relate back to rebellion or freedom. In Emma, the protagonist told her friend Harriet Smith that she never intended on getting married, a bold pronouncement in Victorian England. Her reasons are simple: â€Å"Fortune I do not want; employment I do not want; consequence I do not want; I believe few married women are half as much mistress of their husbands house as I am of Hartfield †(Austen, p. 74, 1816) What Emma was saying was that her social status allowed her the freedom to chart her own course throughout life, an option given to few women at the time. Another way that Emma tried to rebel against the social customs of Victorian England was to find her friend Harriet a mate of high social status. Since Harriets bloodline was unknown, most people would have scoffed at a pairing of Harriet with a man like Mr. Elton or Frank Churchill. Mr. Knightley echoes this sentiment when talking to Mrs. Weston: â€Å"Hartfield will only put her out of conceit with all the other places she belongs to. She will grow just refined enough to be uncomfortable with those among whom birth and circumstances have placed her home. †(Austen, p. 31,1816) Freedom is the overarching theme of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. At the beginning and end of the novel, the protagonist yearns to be free from the rules and civilization of 19th century polite Southern society. For a boy that seemed to be hemmed in by clean clothes and spelling lessons, floating on a raft must have seemed like heaven: â€Å"Other places do seem so cramped up and smothery, but a raft dont. You feel mighty free and easy and comfortable on a raft. †(Twain, p. 134, 1985) The novel even ends with Huckleberry Finn promising to run away looking for more adventures, claiming that he â€Å"been there before†(Twain, p. 296, 1985) with the civilized life. One of the themes of My Name is Asher Lev is the protagonists struggle between life as a devout Jew and life as an artist dedicated to his craft. This battle is evident on the first page as Asher Lev introduces himself to a reader that is already familiar with his work. In this passage, Asher tears himself apart yet defends himself at the same time, showing uncertainty years later with his decision to show the crucifixes: I am an observant Jew. Yes, of course, observant Jews do not paint crucifixions. As a matter of fact, observant Jews do not paint at all-in the way that I am painting I am a traitor, an apostate, a self-hater, an inflicter of shame upon my family Well, I am none of those things. And yet, in all honesty, I confess that my accusers are not altogether wrong; I am indeed, in some way, all of those things. (Potok, p. 1, 1972) It was established earlier that Emma rebelled against Victorian society by resolving to stay single and fix up her friend Harriet with a man above her social status. As the novel ended with Emmas engagement to Mr. Knightley and Harriets engagement to Robert Martin, Emma realized that rebellion wasnt quite her cup of tea, deciding to let her friendship with Harriet fall to that of social goodwill: â€Å"The intimacy between her and Emma must sink; their friendship must change into a calmer sort of goodwill †(Austen, p. 435, 1816) At the start of the novel, Emma wanted to live her life according to her rules, but by the end became caught up in the social mores of Victorian England. Sharing the psychological trait of rebelliousness with Emma Woodhouse, Huckleberry Finn did everything he could to escape the stifling life of rules and convention, even traveling the length of the Mississippi River with a runaway slave. However, the protagonist almost gave in to social conventions several times when he seriously thought about turning Jim in to the authorities. Huckleberry Finn even wrote a letter to Miss Watson telling her of Jims whereabouts, feeling better afterward. However, as Huckleberry Finn thought of all the things that Jim had done for him, he tears up the letter, saying â€Å"All right, then, Ill go to hell†(Twain, p. 223, 1985) The rebellious streak in Asher Lev started early. Even at a young age, Asher was willing to defend his gift, no matter the situation. For example, when Asher was called into the mashpias office for drawing a sinister picture of the Rebbe, Asher boldly stood up for his art to his disapproving father, something a polite Orthodox Jewish kid did not do in those times: â€Å"Foolishness is something thats stupid Foolishness is something a person shouldnt do. Foolishness is something that brings harm to the world. Foolishness is a waste of time. Please dont call it foolishness any more, Papa. †(Potok, p. 129, 1972) Like Huckleberry Finn, Asher Lev knew how he wanted to live his life at a very young age. Also like Huck Finn, Asher was willing to thwart social conventions in order to communicate this. Despite the rebellious streaks of Emma Woodhouse, Huckleberry Finn, and Asher Lev, the time periods in which the three novels take place largely serve to mute the three protagonists individuality. In Emma, for example, women of her class were expected to be married. Those who didnt were largely seen as pathetic beings on which to take pity. The character of Miss Bates was presented as a ridiculous character, seen as a clown-like figure by Emma and others, and seen as an object of sympathy such characters as Mr. Knightley. Even Harriet Smith saw Miss Bates as someone to be pitied. However, Emma, Harriet, and even Jane Fairfax, thought to be doomed to a governess position, escaped Miss Bates fate by marrying according to the social customs of Victorian England. Rebellious in her youth, Emma realizes the â€Å"error†of her ways and did her womanly duty. The vile tradition of slavery provided a subtle color to The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Yes, the protagonist became close friends with a runaway slave. However, it was obvious that Huckleberry Finn was conflicted about this friendship. One example of this conflict occurred when the protagonist meets his friend Tom Sawyer , who was on his way to visit relatives. When Tom suggests that they steal Jim away from the Phelps farm, Huckleberry Finn is flabbergasted: â€Å"Well, I let go all holts, then, like I was shot. It was the most astonishing speech I had ever heard-and Im bound to say Tom Sawyer fell, considerable, in my estimation. †(Twain, p. 235, 1985) In other words, it was ok for Jim to travel with Huck when they were in no danger of getting caught. Once caught, Jim was no longer Hucks problem. He was even surprised that anyone would go to the trouble of breaking the law to help a slave escape. Huckleberry Finn wasnt a bad person. He was just a victim of pre-Civil War America. Growing up an Orthodox Jew who was also a gifted artist in the mid 20th century was a unique situation for Asher Lev. Throughout My Name is Asher Lev, the protagonist had tried valiantly to combine being a devout Jew with being an even more devout artist. He observed the Jewish faith despite studying under a non-practicing Jewish artist and living in Europe for a while. At the end, something had to give in Ashers struggle between Judaism and art, and it ended up being his place in the Ladover community. As Asher walked down the street after the Rebbe cast him out of the community, he contemplates his life thus far: â€Å"I was demonic and devine Asher Lev was the child of the Master of the Universe and the Other Side. Asher Lev paints good pictures and hurts people he loves. †(Potok, 367, 1972) From this passage, one can see how Asher Lev wondered whether the sacrifice was actually worth the love of his parents and his community. The protagonists of Emma, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and My Name is Asher Lev all sought to do things that were not really done in their times. Emma Woodhouse sought to raise the social status of her friend by marriage while remaining single herself in a time when both acts were looked down upon. Huckleberry Finn wanted to escape civilization while bringing along a runaway slave for company. Asher Lev wanted to combine the life of faith with the life of art in a time when no one would even think about the two concepts together. Ultimately, the times of the three rebel protagonists proved to be too much, dulling their mutinous acts.
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