Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Political science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Political science - Essay Example It showed scenarios about how the television network gathered information and broadcasted the war, which serves its main purpose - to provide a balance and fair view to their 40 million Arab worldwide audiences (Bacha and Noujaims, film). The film casted Hassan Ibrahim, the Sudanese Al-Jazeera journalist, Samir Khader, Al- Jazeera senior producer, Deema Khatib, Al- Jazeera producer, Tom Mintier, CNN Correspondents, Lieutenant Josh Rushing, US Central Command Press Officer, and David Shuster, NBC Correspondents. The film showed the events that transpired during the Iraq war of which media centers and their journalists or camera men were killed, wounded, or became casualties of war despite providing the Pentagon their GPRS locations prior to encounters (Bacha and Noujaims, film). Al-Jazeera became one of the most controversial news channels in the Arab world after documenting the Iraq war. It has been criticized both by the Arab Government and US President George Bush’s administ ration. The former accused that the network was the promoter of â€Å"American propaganda†while the latter accused the network as pro-Iraqi. The perceived bias even had them branded as â€Å"the mouthpiece of Osama bin Laden,†due to their fearless broadcasting of images of American tanks, bombing scenes, and the bloodied, wounded Iraqi casualties. The film also showed American soldiers shouting at Iraqi prisoners and harassing Iraqis, and interviews of Iraqis who have lost homes and family members during the war. The US government pointed out that the Arab media is exaggerated for reporting those war events. However, the network has defended their stand that the film only showed the real cost of war and counteracted that the US government were criticizing the film because they do not want the world to see their harshness and faults to Iraqi people and even to the members of the media in invading the country (Bacha and Noujaims, film). The movie’s real theme wa s about the war between the US and the Iraq. However, the scenes were mostly focused on the differences between Al-Jazeera network and the American news networks’ process of reporting the war. The network, though received tremendous attacks because of showing the facts of war still continued to provide fair and balanced information report because they believed that people deserve to know the truth. As Deema Khatib, the Al-Jazeera producer of the film said their main purpose of filming the war is to show all sides of the war claiming that the US networks camouflage the real cost of war (BBC News, P 3-11). 1. Do you think that the documentary has delivered the message of its theme? I believe that the film was able to deliver the message of its theme: the Iraq war as mindless. In fact, it was very obvious since even during the reign of Saddam Hussein, it was already found that the United States supplied many weapon materials to Saddam’s administration, and this has not be en sanctioned. In addition, all the US soldiers’ prowling of Iraq never yielded any form of weapon of mass destruction or WMD, which the Bush administration has declared and made the US citizens believe (Fisk, P 4). It is therefore true that many atrocities committed by the US are for reasons other than what it claimed. The US government claimed that the invasion of Iraq to defeat Saddam Hussein was aimed at freeing the Iraq people from a brutal dictator leader. This,
Monday, October 28, 2019
Imperialistic Africa Essay Example for Free
Imperialistic Africa Essay During the 19th century of the Industrial Age, many European nations (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Britain) sought for a source for raw material and a market for manufactured goods in Africa. This economic motivation helped drive the Scramble for Africa. The Scramble for Africa [1885-1910] was when many European nations competed for colonies in Africa. To take control of these regions, the European powers came up with the Treaty of Berlin. This stated that they would not sell firearms to Africa; which resulted in Europeans having a monopoly on guns in Africa. However, although it stated that they would not sell firearms to Africa making it easier to take it over, it also stated that they would suppress slavery. During the Scramble for Africa, or the imperialism imposed in Africa, there were great contributions that ultimately modernized Africa, as well as, bad influences, such as the carving of Africa without the influence of the traditional tribal boundaries, causing tribalism and civil wars. Many modernizing contributions were in medicine and education. The British built hospital and schools in Africa. They also contributed to putting an end to the slave trade. The access to basic medical care and education were, therefore, due to British intervention. This boost in medical care also heightened many African life spans. Also, some Africans were even allowed to have a western education rather than just basic education. Also, eventually, Britain allowed the African colonies to vote for power, realizing that the only way for safety in Africa was to rule with the people. This eventually concluded with many African nations liberating themselves from British control and becoming an independent nation, such as Republic of Congo (1958), and Tanzania (1964), Although there were some contributions that helped to modernize Africa, there were also many harmful effects from the imperialism of Africa, such as the methods they used to take control of some regions. In other cases, there was not a clear understanding of what the treaties were about or what the consequences of them would be. Secondly, military force was used in some cases when there was a large amount of resistance to colonial rule. Unit Two: Studying Africa through the Social Studies] This suggested that sometimes European nations would use brute force to impose their authority over the native people. For example, during the Battle of Rorke’s Drift, 3,000 to 4,000 Zulu warriors were killed for their land. This left only a remnants of a once strong tribe of warriors. This demonstrates how military force was used in some cases when there was a large amount of resistance to colonial rule. Also, according to The White Man’s Burden, by Rudyard Kipling, many native people did not like European imperialism. For example, in the 1st stanza 4th line, he states,†To serve your captives need†This illustrates how many natives thought themselves like prisoners. In another line, he states, â€Å"To seek anothers profit, and work anothers gain. †This demonstrates how rather than how Europeans said they came to protect them by signing the treaty; they actually used the colonies raw materials to help fuel their own economy. A major long-term negative effect that still affects Africa today are the arbitrary political boundaries which European nations established. The European nations never thought about the traditional tribal boundaries. This results with several different tribes in one nation that may feel ill towards one another causing civil wars and power struggles within national governments. For example, the 2nd Congo War involved eight African nations, as well as about 25 armed groups. By 2008 the war and its aftermath had killed 5. 4 million people, mostly from disease and starvation. By the turn of the 21st century, the economy of many African nations was suffering. They were battered by rapid population growth, declining export earnings, foreign debt, drought, floods, and civil war. The average African household consumed 20% less than it had in the 1950s. The continents birthrates and mortality rates were the highest in the world. More than half of all foreign aid was consumed by debt service. In addition, over 73% of the more than 40 million people infected with HIV (see AIDS) in 2002 lived in Africa; 30% or more of the populations of Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, and Zimbabwe were infected. Nevertheless, Africa largely escaped the financial turbulence that engulfed much of the rest of the world in the late 1990s and again in the early 21st century. [Africa, History of (II)] Because of the imperialism of Africa, many European countries have become powerful nations filled with wealth and prosperity and Africa now have many schools and hospitals. Many Africans can now go to school and get an education and may even one day start businesses. However, the negative aftermaths of European Imperialism on Africa has greatly affected its nations. Because of the long-term political borders dividing Africa, there are many civil wars killing millions of lives and spreading disease. Although Europe brought schools and hospitals, it does not make up for all the lives that could have been saved if the European nations had just considered the traditional boundaries rather than for their own profit. Even the education and health care were not substantial. They were the most basic forms of education and health care. Only very few were allowed to have western education. Therefore, overall there weren’t many positive impacts for the African people from European Imperialism.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Gulf War Essay -- history
Gulf War I. Introduction - Why did a coalition of over 30 nations find it was necessary to go to war to help Kuwait after it was invaded by Iraq? How did the coalition defeat the Iraqis? And although the coalition won there were many consequences to face when the war ended. II. Reasons for war a. Saddam Hussein b. Iraq’s’ Economic Crisis c. Oil d. Disputes over Boundary III. Forming of the Coalition a. Nations joining the Coalition b. Coalition Strategy c. Iraqi Strategy IV. Military Operations V. Consequences a. UN-Iraqi Sanctions b. Casualties c. Gulf War Syndrome d. Reconstruction of Kuwait VI. Conclusion – When the coalition of over 30 nations was formed by President Bush to help Kuwait after it was invaded by Iraq, they had their own strategy to win. With all the different parts of the strategy put together they won the war, but with consequences to face (some good, others bad). The Persian Gulf War Why did a coalition of over 30 nations find it was necessary to go to war to help Kuwait after it was invaded by Iraq? How did the Coalition defeat the Iraqis’? Although the Coalition won there were many consequences to face. The causes of the war started with Saddam Hussein, then the Iraqi’s economic condition, and the dispute over boundaries, and finally oil. When the Iraqi’s invaded Kuwait a coalition was formed against them, which consisted of the use of many types of military strategies. When the coalition won there were casualties, the Gulf War Syndrome, and still some things to deal with in Kuwait. Since the invasion of Kuwait caught the world by surprise the question in everybody’s mind was – What were the reasons for the invasion? The first reason was Saddam Hussein. Saddam had two distinct characteristics: one, the determination to be remembered in history, two, and a certain vision of the future. Saddam wanted to have a unified Arab world with Baghdad as its center. Hussein also felt that after that after the fall of the Ottoman Empire there was an uneven distribution of wealth from oil reserves to the allied nations. Iraq’s only hope of survival was clearly oil revenues from its neighbor, Kuwait. Iraq’s economy was also hurt with the consequences of the 8-year Iran-Iraq War. When Iraq’s leaders claimed victory there were three-quarters of a million casualties (one third Iraqis), and heavy d... ...ded Kuwait a Coalition was formed against them, started by President George Bush. Many countries joined the Coalition to help out. The war started with air strikes and ended with ground troops. When Iraq was driven out of Kuwait they destroyed the country. After the war American Gulf War Vets were faced with the new Gulf War Syndrome and some casualties. The UN also had some problems to take care of with Iraq. Kuwait needed some rebuilding but remained an independent nation. Works Cited Bin,Alberto,Richard Hill,and Archer Jones. Desert storm - A Forgotten War.Westport: Praeger Publishers,1998. Johnson,James, and George Weigal. Just War and the Gulf War. Washington: Ethics and Public Policy Center,1991. Leyden,Andrew. Gulf War Debriefing Book.Internet. Milano,Fred. Gulf War Syndrome: The 'Agent Orange' of the Nineties.Internet.Spring-Summer 2000. Schwartz,Richard. Encyclopedia of The Persian Gulf War. 1998 "Study:Gulf Vets' kids have more birth defects" The Leaf Chronicle.VOL.191. 6 October 2001, local ed.: A5 Thompson,Mark."The Gulf War Poisons Seep Out" Time Magazine. 30 September 1996, pp57
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Critical response †Of mice and men Essay
Within The novel â€Å"Of Mice and Men†by John Steinbeck the reader is presented with a selection of sad, lonely individuals who have no families. As soon as the novel starts, the author creates a picture of the surroundings in the reader’s mind â€Å"the river drops in close to the hillside bank and runs deep and green†this gives the reader a feeling of peace at mind. The reader is then presented with George, a small man with strong features, and Lennie, a gentle person who enjoys who enjoys the company of a pet. In the novel Lennie continuously gets the pair into all sorts of trouble and by the end of the novel George has no choice but to shoot Lennie, due to the fact that he murdered an innocent woman, who happened to be Curley’s wife, the boss’s son. It soon becomes apparent that the theme of loneliness is illustrated through characterization between the main characters. The first character we are introduced to is Lennie. Lennie’s character is illustrated by his mental immaturity. â€Å"Blubberin like a baby? Jesus Christ a big guy like you! †The reader first sees that Lennie’s loneliness and need for companionship during his journey to the ranch. â€Å"What you want of a dead mouse? â€Å", to which Lennie responds â€Å"maybe I could pet it with my thumb while we walked along. †Lennie wants to carry a dead mouse round as a constant companion. This shows how desperate he is to feel loved and to have a friend. One of the characters that illustrates loneliness is a man named Crooks. Crooks is a colored man s been isolated from the rest of the ranch due to the fact that he is a â€Å"nigger†. The reader feels sympathy for crooks because he has his own shelter and has no friends. As soon as a â€Å"white man†enters his shelter, Crook’s initial reaction is to tell them to â€Å"get lost I don’t want to know†. This again shows the reader that Crooks is a lonely individual. Another character that emphasizes the theme of loneliness is Curley’s wife. To the reader’s surprise, the author never gives Curley’s wife a name. This reinforces the fact that Curley’s wife is there to look after Curley and that she is not important to anybody else but himself. It also shows that the other ranchers are not used to talking to other woman. Curley’s Wife is generally considered to be a tramp by the men at the ranch and shamelessly uses sex to intimidate the workers. She married Curley so she could leave home and be spoilt with gifts and do whatever she wanted. However it is obvious that this did not happen and she hates her husband. . She still holds some hope of a better life, by claiming that she had the chance to become a movie star in Hollywood. Another interesting character is Candy, an old man who only has a dog to keep him company. Candy is the oldest out of all the other ranchers, who has only one hand because he lost the other hand in an accident on the ranch. Candy is a frail person because he has had to work on the ranch for so long because he has no friends. There comes a sad point in the novel when candy’s dog is shot because he is giving off a bad odour. This shows the readers that the ranchers don’t care for anyone else but themselves and that they have a short temper. This incident seems to put Candy down more because he now has no companion. In addition to this, Candy feared that he was going to be on the ranch until he died. This image is reinforced when he ws caught ease dropping on George and Lennie â€Å"I didn’t here nothin you guys was saying. I was just standing in the shade scratching my dog†. Although the novel is filled with men trying to earn money so that they can fulfill their dreams, it is obvious that the main theme of the novel is loneliness. This is illustrated through the sad, traumatic, lonely characters that work on the ranch. The entire novel is devoted to reinforcing the main theme, loneliness, and therefore creating sympathy for the characters on the ranch. Â
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Micro and Macro Factors That Would Affect Airasia’s Performance
INSTRUCTIONS ON â€Å"HOW TO REFERENCE†Bibliography: Citations must be consistent in author name(s) (spelling and name order) and publication date between the text and the bibliography at the end. Any reference in the text must be matched by a full entry in the end bibliography. Entries in the bibliography must be matched by entries in the text; if nor they should be deleted. Citations must include all information necessary to enable the reader to locate the referenced publication. The examples in the format section below reflect the information considered adequate for each type of publication.Citations should be in alphabetical order by the first author's last name (if there is a name); by the first word of the publication or authoring organization if there is no author name. Citations in text: ‘Author's last name (20**) found that†¦ ‘ ‘Recent studies (Last name 20**; last name, last name, and last name 20**; last name 20**)†¦ Note the following: a semi-colon separates entries, there is no comma before the date, there is a comma before the ‘and' in multiple author listings. Citations in references: Books: Ward, John W. (1987). Keeping the Family Business Healthy. San Francisco, Calif. Jossey Bass. Note the following: Author names and publication date are formatted like journal entries. Books are italicized and followed by a period. Publication information includes the publisher's location with city and state followed by a colon and then the publisher's full name. Journal Articles: Hoy, Frank, and Trudy G. Verser (1994). ‘Emerging Business, Emerging Field: Entrepreneurship and the Family Firm,' Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 19 (1), 9-23. Note the following: Initials or first names follow the first author's name, but precede the last name for subsequent authors.There is a comma before the ‘and' between author names, even if there are only 2 authors/ There is a period after the date. Article titles use initial caps (excluding conjunctions and prepositions) and are blocked by double quotation marks. There is a comma between article title and journal title; the comma is inside the quotes. Journal titles are italicized. The column number is not italicized. Neither ‘Vol. ‘ or No. ‘ are used. Thus, Vol. 19, No. 1 = 19 (1). There is no ‘pp. ‘ before the page numbers. Articles in edited publications: Kaslow, Florence W. and S. Kaslow (1992). ‘The Family that Works Together: Special Problems of Family Businesses,' in Work, Families, and Organizations. Ed. S. Zedeck. San Francisco, Calif. : Jossey Bass, 312-361. Note the following: Author names, publication dates and article title are formatted like journal articles. Use ‘In' before book title; title is italicized. Precede editor's name with ‘Ed. ‘ (which means ‘edited by'; thus ‘Eds. ‘ is inappropriate). Put initials before last names. Put a period between the editor s' names and the publisher information.Include and format publisher information like a book. Include the page numbers (no ‘pp. ‘) n the book where the article is located. Papers presented at conferences or other meetings: Pleck, John (1979). ‘Work-Family Conflict: A National Assessment,' paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Boston, Mass. , May. Note the following: Author names, publication dates and article title are formatted like journal articles. Include type of meeting, sponsoring organization, location, and date of meeting.If there are printed proceedings for the conference, cite the entry as an article in an edited publication. Theses and Dissertations: Simic, James (1993). ‘A Comparison of SMEs in Greenland and the Fiji Islands,' Ph. D. dissertation, University of Fjord, 23-26. Note the following: Author names, publication dates and article title are formatted like journal articles. Type of work (Master 's thesis or Ph. D. dissertation) should be indicated, as well as academic institution. Website documentation: West Virginia Bureau of Business and Economic Research (2001). ‘Economic Outlook Conference. ‘
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Marketing Analysis of Kids TV Show Essay Example
Marketing Analysis of Kids TV Show Essay Example Marketing Analysis of Kids TV Show Essay Marketing Analysis of Kids TV Show Essay Essay Topic: Kids Kids show; partly because as a college student I have limited income and cant afford cable, and partly because I grew up watching the channel. I found website that had live streaming of certain cable network shows. When I first signed up and began watching, the end of Sesame Street was on. I watched on a few minutes of the show and continued watching the channel through the next show. The show that followed, which I watched in full, was Angelina Ballerina: Next Steps. I remember when I was younger and used to watch Angelina Ballerina. The show as a cartoon-style show detailing the life of a young mouse aspiring to be a ballerina. Not having watched the show for maybe 15 years, I was surprised about a number of things. First of all, I was surprised the show still existed. They seemed to have remade the name, adding on Next Steps, so they seemed to have extended the story so they could tell new stories and not Just replay old episodes. Another thing that surprised me was that the characters seemed to be more digitized. It wasnt the old sort of scratchy drawings that I remember; it was a more up to date version of he show that I was watching. The cartoons were more clear and accurate than the drawings that they used to be. This particular pair of episodes shown in a half hour segment was more up to date than imagined. It told the story of Angelina and her friend Alice, but with supporting characters. Angelina and Alice go to different schools and although they still like similar things, their interests seem to have slightly changed than when I watched the show as a little girl. The supporting characters that were added into the storyline added some cultural variety to the show. There were different colored mice ND mice that had different accents as well. They also seemed to try to extend their viewers to more boys rather than Just girls. There were multiple boy mouse dancers wearing boyish clothes (rather than a dancing uniform), and there seemed to be more collaboration between boy and girl mice. As mentioned earlier, I was surprised at how much the show had changed. Part of the reason is that the last few episodes of Sesame Street were exactly the same as I remember when I used to watch the show as a child. The only thing that seemed to be updated was the closing credits with Big Bird dancing in the background while the reedits rolled down the opposite side of the screen. When Sesame Street ended, there were a number of commercials that played. First, the sponsors were mentioned saying brought to you by In a womans clear and concise voice. The National Coalition of Resting People was the first sponsor of Sesame Street. They were promoting a good nights sleep and stating facts about how it was good for your health. Another sponsor was Daniel Tigers Neighborhood which was a PBS show. I assumed it to be a new show they had released because they told the viewing times and almost a summary of the show and its characters. The last Sponsor listed was United Health Care asking kids How many Fruit and Vegetables did you eat today? . Next a commercial break came, although there wasnt much of a Seaway between commercial that played along with it. Beaches Resorts, PAN, Earths Best Organic, Corporation for Public Broadcasting all played commercials. These commercials all seemed to promote health and safe choices to the viewers of this station. The end credits of Sesame Street were shown and then another set of commercials were shown. These commercials included Cyberspace (a PBS show), Support PBS foundation usage, and Hard Rock Hotel. The Hard Rock Hotel was then named as a sponsor to the show. Angelina Ballerina: Next Step came next. After the show another set of commercials came including Pokies. Org, HIT Entertainment, Hard Rock Hotel, Wild Karats (PBS Show), The Organism Guys (Message about germs from American Public Television), Side the Science Kid (PBS Show, up next), First 5 California, Boeing, Vinci- technology for early life, Rose Hills Foundation, Arthur Fining Davis Foundation. Even though the show seemed to have advanced and become more up to date, I as surprised that they didnt put any sort of technology references in it. There were no advertisements during any of the programs, only afterwards. I remember that from watching the shows as a child, but I was surprised that they hadnt changed that aspect of their shows. Another thing I noticed about the shows and their commercials was that the sponsor messages seemed to blend with the commercials. It was hard to tell the difference between the two. It seemed to me that Angelina Ballerina: Next Step is trying to create a larger viewers. It seems like they want more than Just young, white girls to be watching the show. They seemed to have included more material in the show for boys to be interested in as well. I think if a girl has a younger brother he might be interested in watching the show with her because of more male involvement in the storyline. I also noticed, as stated above, that there seemed to be more inclusion in the show of other races rather than Just white children. They seem to have included Latino, African American, and Asian mice into the character list of the show. This could increase their viewer ship to more than Just white children. The commercials for Hotels or Beach Resorts seemed to surprise me. I suppose they cant really advertise for a trip to Disney Parks because they arent affiliated with Disney so they had to go in another direction. Both the Hard Rock Hotel and Beach Resorts commercials showed Families and more particularly children, but I was surprised at their choice of commercial. It seemed interesting to me that a child would be watching the show, see the commercial and want to go to the Hard Rock Hotel. It didnt seem like something a child would see and ask their parents to go to. The choice of other commercials did not surprise me however. From past analysis, I found it typical to advertise for other shows on the Network. There were plenty of ads for other PBS shows that could be viewed later on in the day or up next. From watching the channel when I was younger, I was also not surprised for the commercials from American Public Television, or from the Rather Fining Davis Foundation, or from United Health Care, etc. PBS has always supported young adult health and expanding of childrens knowledge. That came as no surprise that their commercials revolved highly around this matter.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Essay on The Civil War in the United States in 1861-1865Essay Writing Service
Essay on The Civil War in the United States in 1861-1865Essay Writing Service Essay on The Civil War in the United States in 1861-1865 Essay on The Civil War in the United States in 1861-1865After getting independence and adoption of the Federal Constitution, practically nothing prevented the development of the United States. The first US president George Washington (1789-1797) strengthened the countrys finances, created the National Bank, introduced a unified monetary system and commenced payment of public debt. At the end of the 18th first decades of the 19th century, the country was far behind the Western Europe, especially Britain, in terms of economic development. Its industry just started developing, but the accumulation of capital, folding of the market and borrowing of English technical advances boosted the industrial revolution. Individual enterprises of factory type appeared in the US in the 90s of the 18th century, and in the second decade of the 19th century began to take factory system first in textiles, then in other industries. Establishment of transport network was of great importance.South states represented a special world, which was dominated by slave-owning planters. They used the most archaic form of exploitation, had unlimited power over the slaves, lived a life of aristocratic landowners, called themselves gentlemen, but otherwise were capitalist entrepreneurs.Southern society was infected by racist prejudices. Types of jobs performed by black, were considered unworthy of the white man, even the poor one. The paradox in the United States was the fact that the system of slavery, on the one hand, was holding back the development of a normal capitalism, on the other hand, it provided the factory with raw materials and made a profit (Blattman, 2010).Contradictions between North and South In the first half of the 19th century, when resettlement to the western lands acquired a mass character, there were two streams of colonization northern and southern. Despite the fact that both systems, slavery and free capitalism, coexisted in the same country, the constitution of no rthern states prohibited slavery.Their interests differed in Congress, too. Each Party made sure the Union took on an equal number of both states. In 1820, adopted Missouri Compromise showed that the question of slavery in the new lands became a national problem. The South expanded the boundaries of slavery.Citizens of the Northern states sympathized slaves, but few dared to advocate for their release because they were property of planters. Sometimes slave uprisings happened (the largest attempt was in 1831), but usually slaves ran away to free states from which could go to Canada. Opponents of slavery (abolitionists) organized the Underground Railroad, helping slaves to run away. Abolitionist literature and press influenced the mobilization of the American and world public opinion against slavery in the southern states. The famous novel of Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Toms Cabin (1852) was translated into several languages and was very popular. In 1848, there appeared a mass politi cal party Soil fries, which standed for the non-proliferation of slavery in the new territories.Joining lands of Mexico caused a new political crisis temporarily settled by compromise in 1850. California, where gold was found, was accepted as a free state, New Mexico and Utah were allowed to determine their status themselves. There was dominated by southerners, who declared slavery. Three years later, the same question arose in Kansas and Nebraska. Southerners made his decision in a democratic way, and the principle of the direct will of the people was used in the interests of slaveholders.They intended to legalize slavery throughout the country, depriving Congress of the right to cancel or allow it in any state. The US Supreme Court could do that in Dred Scott case, a slave who formally appealed to the court for release, as he along with the owner lived for a while in a free state. Rejecting his claim in 1857, the Supreme Court at the same time declared unconstitutional any law pro hibiting slavery.Meanwhile, in Kansas there was a struggle between supporters and opponents of slavery. The flow of immigrants from Missouri and other southern states faced an even more powerful flow of farmers from the free states, and it came to fighting. By 1860, the latter managed to win not only in combat, but also at the ballot box.Republican Party, which appeared at that time, gathered all dissatisfied with the policy of the South, which prevented a radical solution of the land question in favor of the broad masses of farmers. Abraham Lincoln led Republicans; he was elected the president of the United States in 1861.It was truly a peoples president, who came from a poor family, knew the hard work but made himself due to the relentless pursuit of education (he became a lawyer), and political activities. Lincoln was famous for his honesty, ability to win in difficult political debates, at the same time being charming, tactful and kind.Conflict in Kansas and the famous raid of J ohn Brown in Virginia preceded the Civil War. John Brown passionately hated slavery. He fought against it in Kansas, and planned an uprising of slaves in Virginia. In October 1859, he with 22 brave men captured an army arsenal, which stores 100 thousand guns. However, this initiative was premature and was not supported. Brown was captured and executed (Harvey, 2010).The Civil War 1861 1865The civil war between northern and southern states was the inevitable consequence of the contradictions between the two social systems in the country. The question of slavery, which was entirely determined by the economic and political interests of the planters, was the key issue. Maximum program of the most aggressive circles of the South was turning the US into a single slave power, but they were quite satisfied with separation from the Union as an independent state.Desire of the South to secedeSouthern states wanted independence long before the Civil War. In 1832, South Carolina planters, basin g on the doctrine of the sovereignty of states, declared federal laws null in the state and announced its exit from the US. President Jackson stopped this attempt, sending warships to its coast. In 1850, Southerners again threatened secession, but US President Zachary Taylor said he would lead the army to the south and punish the traitors. The idea of a single union state firmly controlled the minds of the federal government, including Lincoln administration.The ruling circles of the North did not want South to be independent because it would mean the emergence of opponent. Split and the war was inevitable, and slaveholders forced its beginning. Lincolns victory in the presidential election in 1860 meant a loss of power and was the signal to unauthorized separation of the South from the US.Outbreak of hostilitiesIn the winter-spring 1861, Confederation of 11 southern states was formed. On April 13, southerners unleashed hostilities with shelling federal Fort Sumter in Charleston bay (South Carolina), whose small garrison capitulated and lowered the American flag. Thus began a four-year Civil War the most bloody and destructive of all that took place on the territory of the United States.Most of the industrial capacity and human resources of the country was concentrated in the North, but the South was more united and had strong militarily. Southerners had most regular officers, significant stocks of weapons, and most importantly, they needed a quick and decisive victory. Southerners planters were fighting for their survival and well-being of the past. They hated Yankee (Northerners).Complacency and slow at the beginning of the war was costly to northerners. 1861 brought them only defeat, already in the first grappling in June of the same year they almost lost the capital. Washington became a front city. By the end of 1861, the army of northerners, continuously contributed by volunteers, accounted more than 650 thousand people, but one numerical superiority co uld not decide the outcome of the war, largely due to miscalculations of Command. The general plan of conducting a campaign against the South was limited to its surroundings and gradual compression of the ring (Anaconda Plan), but stretched for thousands of miles up front was easy to break, which happened in 1862.The turning point in the warThe turning point in the war in favor of the free states was achieved through conducting it in a revolutionary way. Homestead Acts from May 20, and the act of freeing the slaves from September 22, 1862 had a crucial meaning. The first gave the right of every citizen, not having participated in the rebellion against the United States, for $ 10 take Homestead – a piece of land of 160 acres under the farm on vacant land. After five years of residence in the area, its processing and development, it became the property. This was a radical solution of the agrarian question, promised by the Republican Party in 1860. This law made people, includin g immigrants, want to achieve victory over the South, without which they could not count on the free settling of the West.The second law declared slaves free from January 1, 1863. Although Confederation had own laws, it became clear for slaves which side to support. Despite the terror unleashed by the slaveholders, the Confederacy lost lasting rear, and many blacks went to the side of northerners to serve in the federal army.Essay on The Civil War in the United States in 1861-1865 part 2
Sunday, October 20, 2019
12 Types of Characters Featured in Almost All Stories
12 Types of Characters Featured in Almost All Stories 12 Types of Characters Featured in Almost All Stories They say it takes all kinds to make the world go round - and the same is true of stories. Whether you’re writing fantasy, romance, or action-adventure, you’re going to need certain types of characters to keep the plot moving and your readers intrigued!That’s why we’ve put together this handy-dandy guide of 12 character types featured in almost every story: to help you figure out which ones you need, how they relate to one another, and what purposes they can serve. 12 characters featured in almost all stories What are the different types of characters?Most writers have an inherent understanding of how to categorize their characters based on classic, â€Å"comic book-style†labels: heroes, villains, sidekicks, etc. But in the ever-intricate realm of stories, there are many more nuanced types to consider!Before we explore these types, however, you should know that there are two main ways to classify them: by role, and by quality.RoleCharacter role refers to the part that one plays in the story. As you probably know, the most important role in any story is the protagonist (which we’ll discuss below). This means all other roles stem from their relationship to the protagonist. Basically, these types define how characters interact and affect one another.Types based on role include:ProtagonistAntagonistDeuteragonistTertiaryConfidanteLove interestFoilSome of these roles can overlap. A deuteragonist might be the MC’s confidante. The antagonist might be their foil. Or the an tagonist might eventually become the protagonist’s love interest! (Any fans of the enemies-to-lovers trope up in here?)But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Let’s quickly touch on the second major category of character types.QualityCharacter quality has to do with what kind of character someone is. This doesn’t refer to their temperament, such as being nice or mean, but rather their nature within the story, such as being dynamic or static. Scout Finch - the archetypical child. Image: Universal Pictures11. Symbolic characterAs we mentioned earlier, a symbolic character is used to represent something larger and more important than themselves, which usually ties into the overall message of the book or series. This type must also be used sparingly - or at least subtly, so the reader doesn’t feel like the symbolism is too heavy-handed. As a result, the true nature of a symbolic character may only be fully understood at the very end of a story.Symbolic examples: Aslan (symbolizes God/Jesus in The Chronicles of Narnia), Jonas (symbolizes hope in The Giver), Gregor Samsa (symbolizes the difficulty of change/being different in The Metamorphosis)12. Round characterDon’t get this one confused with Humpty-Dumpty. A round character is very similar to a dynamic one, in that they both typically change throughout their character arc. The key difference is that we as readers can intuit that the round character is nuance d and contains multitudes even before any major change has occurred.The round character has a full backstory (though not always revealed in the narrative), complex emotions, and realistic motivations for what they do. This doesn’t necessarily mean they’re a good person - indeed, many of the best round characters are deeply flawed. But you should still be interested and excited to follow their arc because you can never be quite sure where they’ll be led or how they’ll change. Needless to say, the vast majority of great protagonists are not only dynamic, but also round.Round examples: Amy Dunne, Atticus Finch, Humbert Humbert, Randle McMurphy, Michael Corleone All the best characters are round ðŸÅ'Ž With this wide-ranging arsenal of character types at your disposal, your story might just be the stuff of legends (or bestseller lists). Now go put them to use - if you haven’t already!Which of these types do you have in your story? How do they overlap? Tell us in the comments below.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Agriculture in Africa Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Agriculture in Africa - Research Paper Example This growth is mainly attributed to the cultivation of more land, although there has been little improvement in the yields. In addition, the production techniques have not been improved, and this has further slowed down agricultural production. Climate has also been a major determinant of agricultural performance in Africa. Only a small portion of land is currently under irrigation, with only 6% of the cultivated land being under irrigation (Blein, et al, 19). Despite the growth in this sector across the continent, the demands of the growing population have not been fully met. Most of the agriculture is Africa is family dominated, where most farms depend of family farm labor. With every generation, the farms are tending to shrink. This explains why despite the growth, agriculture does not supply the needs of the population. In order to understand agriculture in Africa, this paper examines agriculture in Sudan, Congo and Ethiopia. Sudan has vast resources that give it the potential to significantly contribute to food security in Africa. These resources include arable land, water and animal resources. This sector contributes about 45% of the total GDP and nearly 80% of the labor force is employed by the agricultural sector (Omer, 3). However, in recent years, agricultural growth has generally deteriorated. Agriculture in this country is mainly comprised three major farming systems: traditional rain-fed, mechanized rain-fed and irrigated sectors. Nearly 60% of the total cultivated land has been occupied by the traditional rain-fed (Omer, 5). This sector is however characterized by low productivity. This is attributed to the poor farming techniques practiced. Cotton has been the main agricultural export commodity, although its production has generally reduced. Other major cash crops include peanuts`, sugarcane, dates, mangoes, coffee, tobacco and citrus fruits. Animal rearing is another important aspect of agric ulture in Sudan. Better veterinary
Friday, October 18, 2019
A new challenge for Trnscraanial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Essay
A new challenge for Trnscraanial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) - Essay Example TMS is a procedure which induces magnetic fields to initiate the activities of the brain. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is based on electromagnetic induction. When compared to the other medical procedures, TMS is safe as it does not cause any side effects. Similar to the concept of electrical and magnetic fields, a stimulating coil is used to treat the affected part of the human brain. The instrument used in TMS is generally designed in such a way that the current flows from both the direction. This ensures that they converge at a particular point where the current from both the sides come to a direct contact. This instrument is placed on the area near the cortex and electrical ray passes through the scalp through the skull. Then this ray reaches the intended area below or above the cortex of the brain. TMS is performed to stimulate the functioning of the brain by stimulating the neurons. Neurons in the human brain perform the activity in a serial fashion. This neuronal activity might get disturbed and TMS is done to enable the neurons to work in a normal manner. (Gerlach, 2007). TMS is generally used when people have problems like memory issues, vision disorders, movement disorders and depression. As TMS stimulates the neurons as well as the other important nerves in the brain, it is effective in treating any sort of mental or physical disorder. TMS can be combined with any other magnetic imaging techniques to get a clear cut picture of a person’s disorder. Picture of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (Depression Treatment, 2010). Benefits of TMS Psychological problems like depression often leave the patient in an agitated state. It has been proved that TMS reduces the level of agitation to a greater extent. People affected by memory problems, concentration issues and problems with paying attention to a particular task. (Desmond, 2006). It is declared as one of the most effective method in treating depression. TMS eradicates the need for relapse as the patients respond to the treatment even during the first week of the treatment phase. This eventually reduces the need for treating them for a longer time. The effects are more as the magnetic rays target the cortex; the neurons near the cortex also get activated. This stimulates the neurons that evoke the activity of other parts of the body. Patient with movement disorder can easily recover as the motor cortex of the brain is automatically activated. (Belmaker, 2007). The functioning of the muscles can also be activated by placing the instrument at a particular place where the respective neurons reside. TMS is also effective in treating other problems like ADHD. ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is mostly found in children and these children suffer from inattentiveness. Patients diagnosed with ADHD might also have problems like depression, behavioral problems and other disorders. (Levy, 2001). They exhibit inattentiveness to any sort of an activity and might h ave difficulty in concentrating on a particular task. Adults affected by ADHD are generally disorganized and they find it difficult to complete a task within the stipulated time. Forgetfulness is also a symptom of ADHD. (Wender, 2000). Some people suffer from emotional disorders as they do not have the ability to deal with frustration. Certain regions of their brain often showed delay in the process of growth and development. The ability to concentrate
Stadiums are bad for economy of a city and tax payers pay the cost (4 Research Paper
Stadiums are bad for economy of a city and tax payers pay the cost (4 real life examples, TABLES AND CHARTS) Cost enefit analysi - Research Paper Example However, the income generated in the stadiums does not directly benefit the taxpayers and the residents of the city. The amount that the fans spend when watching a match does not benefit those who work in the stadiums. The amount does not lead to increased growth of the local economy because the amount is not included in the local economy. The employees, who work in the stadiums and other sources of the stadiums like the taxpayers, do not benefit from the money earned. Instead, the biggest share of the amount pays the players. However, most of these players in many cases do not belong to the local community. Therefore, the local community, which pays tax to help in construction of the stadiums, does not benefit too. Though the stadiums collect large amounts of money, the money is spent in other locations (Barros et al. 42). Taxpayers who contribute towards the construction of the stadiums do not attend the events that take place in the stadiums yet they pay for the events indirectly through tax. Stadiums fail to improve and develop the local economy because it concentrates more on the intensity of labour. In this case, low levels of unskilled type of labour activities take place within the metropolitan area. The people who benefit from this type of unskilled labour do not get high wages or salaries. This leads to a fall in the share of the income of the region because those who are highly skilled do not get a chance to get a job in the stadiums. The jobs that the local community gets are either temporary types of jobs or part time jobs, which are not effective to improve the economy of the local region that has the stadium facility. Construction of a stadium assists a team from the community. However, the players who play for the city do not live in the city. The assumption made by the metropolitan is that even if the players do not contribute much in building of the stadium, maybe they spend their money doing shopping and paying house taxes (Andreff and Szyman ski 56). However, most players have houses far away from the cities in where they live with their families, do shopping, and spend their leisure time. The space used to construct the stadium is large enough hinder expansion and development of a city. Those people whose land is taken to cater for the area of construction of the stadium get angry and leave the city (Morris 67). However, the people who leave the city may be good businesspeople who can invest and create job opportunities for the local community and by doing so; the economy of the city can grow to a higher level. Some of those people could be good investors, and this hinders them from investing in construction of commercial buildings, which would bring more income to the city through tax and to the dwellers of the city. When a city lacks potential investor to invest in the transportation sector and other smart type of investments, which lead to economic growth, the economy is likely to go downwards. Therefore, constructi on of the stadium does not support a city’s expansion and development. The cost of operating the stadium is very high. However, this amount used in maintenance and operations in the stadium
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Should monetary policy be boring and has this been the case for the UK Essay
Should monetary policy be boring and has this been the case for the UK and the USA over the last ten years - Essay Example With the use of monetary policy, U.S. and UK can counter-act inflation and economic recession or depression. In this paper, the historical strategy used in the monetary system of U.S. and UK will be elaborated. Through the historical events associated with the U.S. and UK monetary policy, we will be able to conclude whether monetary policy is boring or not. Many people have been praising the work of Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan i for making the U.S. monetary policy in 1990s very successful. (Mankiw, 2001) The Fed was at the center stage during the Asian financial crisis between the years 1997 – 1998 including the failure of hedging the Long-Term Capital Management of funds in 1998 created a worldwide financial crisis and Globalization in the 20th century. The U.S. monetary policy together with the help of fiscal discipline, the U.S. government budget deficit was converted into surplus. Prior to the Mexican crisis in 1994 and the Asian crisis in 1997, the economic performance of U.S. has been very stable. At that time, the real GDP growth of U.S. has increased more than 3% over the fourth quarter of 1996, inflation and the unemployment rate was maintained at a low level. Because of the continuous economic growth in U.S., the nominal wages and salaries of the workers increased faster than the prices of commodities. The increase in salary and wages resulted to increasing the efficiency of production output by investing on new technologies. During the last quarter of 1996, a lot of companies have been laying off employees. This causes the U.S. unemployment rate to increase. Also, consumer debt, credit card delinquencies and personal bankruptcies was very high. In February 1997, the Federal Reserve became very concern about the risk of inflation because of the sudden appreciation of the U.S. dollar. During the height of U.S. economic activities, high inflation should be avoided since it would weaken the long-run economic growth
How Bingeing Became the New College Sport Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
How Bingeing Became the New College Sport - Essay Example The present research has identified that according to the U.S laws, persons who completed 18 years of age are matured enough to vote whereas only after the completion of 21 years of age, they are matured enough to drink. Even though the above law helped saving the lives of many youths from alcohol-related driving accidents and alcohol poisoning, it resulted in the creation of an unintended culture around forbidden alcoholism among the youths. College life is perceived also as an opportunity for drinking by the youths. â€Å"Drinking has been an aspect of college life since the first Western universities in the 14th century†(Seaman). In the 90’s the beer culture on college campuses was shifted to hard liquor culture. It is better to lower the drinking age to 18 even if some problems may occur initially. The initial thirst for drinking may settle after some time and the students will definitely concentrate more on studies thereafter, as witnessed in the Montreal's McGill University. Montreal's McGill University, which enrolls about 2,000 American undergraduates a year, reported that many students, when they first arrive, go overboard, exploiting their ability to drink legally. â€Å"But by midterms, when McGills demanding academic standards must be met, the vast majority has put drinking into its practical place among their priorities†. In short, drink age should be lowered to 18 from 21. In my opinion, lowering of drink age from 21 to 18 is not a wise step. It is a fact that the voting rights were allotted to those who completed 18 years of age. At the same time, we must visualize the voting right and drink age as two separate issues. Drinking will destroy the ability of a person to think rationally. Giving voting rights at 18 years of age is a strategy for developing political awareness and interest among students.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Should monetary policy be boring and has this been the case for the UK Essay
Should monetary policy be boring and has this been the case for the UK and the USA over the last ten years - Essay Example With the use of monetary policy, U.S. and UK can counter-act inflation and economic recession or depression. In this paper, the historical strategy used in the monetary system of U.S. and UK will be elaborated. Through the historical events associated with the U.S. and UK monetary policy, we will be able to conclude whether monetary policy is boring or not. Many people have been praising the work of Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan i for making the U.S. monetary policy in 1990s very successful. (Mankiw, 2001) The Fed was at the center stage during the Asian financial crisis between the years 1997 – 1998 including the failure of hedging the Long-Term Capital Management of funds in 1998 created a worldwide financial crisis and Globalization in the 20th century. The U.S. monetary policy together with the help of fiscal discipline, the U.S. government budget deficit was converted into surplus. Prior to the Mexican crisis in 1994 and the Asian crisis in 1997, the economic performance of U.S. has been very stable. At that time, the real GDP growth of U.S. has increased more than 3% over the fourth quarter of 1996, inflation and the unemployment rate was maintained at a low level. Because of the continuous economic growth in U.S., the nominal wages and salaries of the workers increased faster than the prices of commodities. The increase in salary and wages resulted to increasing the efficiency of production output by investing on new technologies. During the last quarter of 1996, a lot of companies have been laying off employees. This causes the U.S. unemployment rate to increase. Also, consumer debt, credit card delinquencies and personal bankruptcies was very high. In February 1997, the Federal Reserve became very concern about the risk of inflation because of the sudden appreciation of the U.S. dollar. During the height of U.S. economic activities, high inflation should be avoided since it would weaken the long-run economic growth
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Passion of Apostle Paul Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Passion of Apostle Paul - Research Paper Example He: a. did not pride over his equality with God (Philippians 2:6). b. humbled himself and took the nature of a servant (Philippians 2:7). c. humbled and became obedient to death (Philippians 2:8). 3. Christ’s humility resulted to him being glorified (Philippians 2:9-9-11). a. Was given a name above all names (Philippians 2:9). b. The name will cause all creation, on earth and in heaven to bow (Philippians 2:10). c. The name will cause every tongue to confess that Jesus is Lord, for the Glory of God (Philippians 2:9-11). Passion of Apostle Paul Introduction Jesus said he is the Way, the Truth and Life and no one can go to the father except through in. In other words, he was telling the believers that unless they walked as he did, they would never see God. It is through the acceptance and emulation of the example of Jesus that believers can learn to conform to the mind and ways of Jesus. One character of Jesus that stood out among all was humility and this is well illustrated in Philippians 2:1-11. By possessing this character, it will be very easy for believers to fellowship with each other, living in peace, have unity with Christ and treat each other with love, kindness, patience, while portraying self-lessness, gentleness, goodness. Basically, Philippians 2:1-11 is a call for the believers to emulate the humility of Jesus. Content The book of Philippians was written by Paul to the church of Philippians and by extension, all other Christians. At this time, Paul was in prison in Rome and was writing to thank the church in Philippians for the help they accorded him. He told them about what he went through in Rome and how his suffering helped to spread the gospel. He also used this book to warn them of priding in the flesh, advise them and encourage them to press on in their Christian walk. In Philippians 2:1-11, Paul narrowed his teaching into calling the believers to emulate the humble nature of Christ1. In his writing, Paul is pleading with the Christian s to sum up every good character they had by having the same mind as that of Christ. He went ahead to illustrate of the level of humility Christ had and how this humility cause him and God to be glorified. When Paul was writing this letter, he knew that the believers always longed for the encouragement and comfort that comes through unity with Christ and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Through these verses, Paul took a step of telling the Philippians that if they really longed for the consolation of the love of Christ, unity with him and fellowship with the spirit, there are some characters they must possess or things they must do for this to be complete 2. Personally, Paul also always longed for the strengthening of the Christians and their maturity in Christianity till they reached the stature of Christ. He knew this was the surest thing that they could qualify them to enter heaven and this would be his joy. He therefore tells them to make his joy complete by possessing the chara cters he was listing to them. In Philippians 2:2, Paul calls on the Christians to be likeminded, have the same love, and be one in spirit and of one mind. By telling them to be likeminded, be one in spirit and mind, Paul was advising them to avoid any differences amongst themselves and have one focus. He was also stressing on the need for unity that would arise if the church became one in the spirit. In this case, if they all waked under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Just as the Holy Spirit is in perfect
Monday, October 14, 2019
Electrical Engineering Essay Example for Free
Electrical Engineering Essay Mr Rowley wanted a switch board for his new hotel, the Medina Palms in Watamu. It needed to handle enough power for lights, heat and air conditioning in all 50 separate villas, the pool’s filtration system, security cameras, and the hotel’s kitchens and bars: drawing approximately 1000kVA from the national grid and directing it through hundreds of individual switches and control units built into one central console. I picked up my pencil- this was not an electrical engineering exam at school: instead of lounging at the beach with my friends, I had chosen to spend my summer at Specialised Power Systems (â€Å"SPS†), designing and building Mr. Rowleys‘s switchboard. As the engineers and I gathered around and started to draft designs for the switchboard, we quickly recognised several key issues. Mr Rowley wanted the switchboard to have power capacitors to increase general efficiency, and the capability to work coherently with generators and invertors to account for the Kenyan grid’s frequent blackouts and power surges. Both capabilities are extremely important in Africa, not only for luxury hotels but also for the health of national infrastructure. By working on Mr. Rowley’s luxury hotel, I could learn to implement the technical knowledge from study into real-world projects, such as expanding and improving the Kenyan national grid and bringing cost-efficient generators to rural areas. We set to work. Mr. Rowley’s first requirement for his switchboard was to have a power-factor capacitor bank, which allowed me to explore in depth a component I first studied through my A-levels physics classes, and one that is crucial to energy efficiency and modern electrical systems. Essentially, capacitors are used to store electrical charge. Mr. Rowley’s requirement meant that his system, which normally drew 1000kVA from the grid, would have to be able to utilise 100kVA in order to account for the extra power occasionally needed to start water pumps, electric lights, electronics and emergency equipment. Yet an additional multiplier, called the diverse factor (generally calculated to be 80%), is added to the equation to account for the fact that not every piece of equipment is required to turn on at once. We took the textbook equation to determine capacitor requirements: KW = cosÕ X kVA cosÕ =0.9 minimum requirement And calculated the Medina Palm’s specific capacitor requirements: KW = 0.8 X 500 = 400kVAr kVAr =1000kVA X 0.5 X 0.8 In order to build a system capable of handling 400kVAR, we determined that a bank of 8 connected 50kVAr power capacitors would be the best solution as a automatic unit. For a generator capability we fitted the control panels with Tem Transfer Relays, devices that work in conjunction with Auto-Start-enabled generators to automatically supply power to the system in case of a power failure. By working with the generators at the Medina Palms, I learned skills that are critical to the infrastructure of Kenya. For example, only 30% of Kenya receives electricity from the national grids, and the grids are unreliable and confined to major cities. Generators can bring power and all its benefits to the rest of Kenya, and projects like the Medina Palms bring the technical skills and economies of scale that can make generator power accessible to the wider population. I hope to leverage my previous study of A-level physics, experience with SPS, and future degree in Engineering to bring such modern, affordable electrical capabilities to Kenya.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The recent demographic, epidemiological and social trends in UK
The recent demographic, epidemiological and social trends in UK This essay is divided into two parts. First part deals generally with the recent demographic, epidemiological and social trends in UK. In demographic trends main concern is population change. The demographic transition model depends on countries mortality and the fertility rates. As these are one of the important deciding factors for population change, though migration is important trend in UK. Next are the epidemiological trends deals with life style diseases, non communicable diseases, mental health, disability etc. Finally, the combination of demographic and epidemiological trends gives the social trends. Second part deals with critically assessing the priorities for public health and health promotion. Because establishing priorities are more essential. Not surprisingly it will deal with obesity, lifestyle diseases, smoking etc., as twenty first century progress, public health and health promotions are the major concerns. The important demographic trends in UK is increasing aging population. According to ONS (2009), the population in united kingdom is ageing with the decrease in the younger population. This trend is seen constantly over past 35 years. Because of growing ageing population. It posed a great political and economic challenge to the country(Squire 2002).Because the life expectancy between 2001 and 2006 was 75.6 for male and 79 for female..There is steady increase in life expectancy of people(Bowling 2005).On the other side there is increase in non communicable diseases which are mainly due to behavioural and sedentary life style changes. These include diabetes, CVD, etc., which are mostly of preventable causes(Shah 2008).When it comes to social trends, it has an impact of both the demographic and epidemiological trends. Like the decreasing trend of labour work, this may be due to many reasons. Although there is a increase in the people who are economically active from 5 million in 1971 to 30.6 million in 2006( ONS 2007). Since this increase in economically active people does not increase the employment rate. There is decrease in the employment rate from 95% in 1971 to 79% in the recent period (ONS 2009) The proportion of percentage of crime is increasing like property crime, card crime or juvenile convictions etc., though the overall crime is decreased from 40% in 1995 to 23% in 2005.With increase in the crime rate, the spending on the other services like social protection is increasing. In 2003 it was  £4,710 per person, which is higher than any other countries. Other spending like those for sick and disabled is increased by means of disability living allowance and attendance allowance (ONS 2007). All the above, trends in the environmental change is present scenario which is concern of most. In the previous years climate change was given low level priority( Doulton and Brown, 2009). Both locally and globally the physical environment and their naturally occurring resources are affected by human activities, which may be due to both industrialization and urbanisation from the act of globalisation(DEBRA, 2009).All these process are due to global warming and climate change, which alm ost increased the temperature of UK. The highest temperature was seen recently in 2005 and the projection also shows that if the emission level is same as now it will have increase in overall temperature of 2- 3.5 degree Celsius by 2080(ONS 2007).In the Kyoto protocol, UK has a target to reduce the emission of green house gases to a level of 12.5% between the year 2008 and 2010(UNFCCC).Even though united kingdom emission reduced to a level, the emission from the aviation industry doubled between the year 1990 and 2004. Generally increased emission of carbon dioxide will have impact at many level, like the recent flood in the November with the collapse of bridges and infrastructure(DEFRA, 2009) and it will have impact economically( Taylor and Ortiz, 2008)According to Greenpeace UK, many people are dying every year because of climate change and in 50 years many species are going for extinction and the government policy needs an action not in words. When it comes trends for health prom otion and public health, following are the problems that getting priority in the recent trend. According to office National Statistics (2007), there are two interrelated factors which affects the demographic change. They are natural change and migration. In 1950s population change is due to natural change. But from 1970s natural population change decreased with decrease in birth rate. From 1980s population increased due to increase in migration level and decreases in death rates. Present trend that is from 2007, the change is equal on both sides. The projections for 2011-2021 show that the population change is due to natural, with increase of 57 % (NSO 2009). In 2005, there was 723,000 live birth when compared with 7000 increase from 2004. It was 34% and 20% fewer births in 1901 and 1971.The reason behind this was due to two world wars ( NSO 2007). The best indicator for peoples health status is life expectancy. It is calculated by the mortality rate of the country(Keith Green 2004).According to, the trend in life expectancy are dependent on two classes namely middle and poor class. In which middle class adopt healthy life style and poor will follow unhealthy one like drinking and smoking. The life expectancy for a baby born has reached highest level. This would be like 77.6 years for male and 81.6 years for female. Though females live longer than males, the gap between these two are narrowing. The narrowing is from 6.0 years to 4.2 years in last 25 years. A man at 65 years will live 17.4 years and women will live 20.0 years extra if the mortality rate is same as 2006-2008(ONS 2009).Moreover, the projections for the 2021 is like 80 and over for males and 84 years for females(Scambler 2008).In that, last eleven years of life for females and eight years life for males will lead a poor health(Keith and Green 2004) .Moreover there is increase in the unhealthy life expectancy where the old people are alienated from the modern society(Brown 2008). Ageing is the part of life which leads to debility and dependency but not always with disability(Watson,2008).Many consider chronological age for ageing, but chronological age is rough guide to biological age. Because age is measured by abilities and performance of the individual. Many health and welfare organisation consider age of 70 and 75 years as starting age for elderly than 65 years. (Donaldson Scally, 2009) According to office of National Statistics(2009),the advances in the treatment level and modernization leads to increase in the life expectancy from 85 to 90 years. But according to Donaldson and Scally(2009), increase in older population is not solely due to advances in medical field or technology or new drugs. The reason is decreased mortality of children when compared to early twentieth century where there is more deaths of infant and children. With decline in mortality and birth rate ,which projects older population to be increased(Robson 2006). The population pyramid in the beginning of twentieth century, it resembled like a pyramid with more young at the base and elderly at peak. In contrast twentieth century shows like a chimney than pyramid (Donaldson and Scally, 2009). For more than thirty years, ageing population is increasing with 1.2 million people,16% of them are over 65 years and most of them are in 85 years and more(Robert and Linda 2008).When compared between two years like 1971 and 2007,the population of aged is 0.3 and 1.0 for female ,0.1 and 0.4 for male(ONS, 2009).Although policy matters regarding the ageing like pension, health and social welfare provision which comes under expenditure along with keeping good life(Bowling 2005).However, old age people who need supportive care due to physical and mental debility may have one or more chronic diseases. According to social life cycle and ageing fourth age which has dependency and disability, but many remains in good health(Donaldson and Scally,2009). The policy maker have more concern in enabling the older people to be active, mobile and independence, which will make them to contribute to the society as a whole(Bowling 2005). Donaldson and Scally 2009, underpinned that while setting priorities for health care of old people, it should be categorised in three ways .One is those with good health and require no service, second is one with disabling condition such as stroke or dementia and final one is those experiencing age related problems from frequent falls, sensory deficits and memory loss Next to demographic trends is epidemiological trend which shows the countries health status. United Kingdom health trends basically related to behavioural which are mostly related to diet, smoking, drinking and physical activity. Most of the diseases are interrelated to the one of the sedentary life styles. In the past twenty five years, the prevalence of obesity has doubled (National Obesity Observatory).The prevalence of obesity is increasing 0.8 a year, which is three fold more tan 1980s (WHO Europe,2007).The first and the most important cause of diseases in UK is obesity. It showed a rapid increase in the prevalence of obesity in industrialised world and it is first and foremost cause of diseases (Donaldson and Scally,2009) which leads to reduced level of physical activity which is the part of sedentary life style(Barnett 2005). About 37% of the deaths in a year is due to overweight and obesity, which is the cause for the DALYs in aged people ( Allender Rayner 2007). In 2007,ov er one million where on treatment for obesity with 127,000 and 871,000 in 1999 and 2005(Miller et al,2008). By 2010 it will rise in the prevalence rate to three million, at the time of diagnosis these people will be having 50% long term vascular complications and one third of men and 28% of women will be classed as obese (Barnett 2005). This is growing concern in UK, because the relationship between the obesity with immediate clinical outcome like coronary heart diseases are common(Miller et al,2008).Obesity can be related to many other conditions like mental health, learning disabilities and physical disabilities( Ells et al, 2006).There is strong connection between obesity and other diseases like diabetes, disabilities, mental health etc., Apart from prevalence of obesity in whole population, childhood obesity is alarming in UK due to excessive intake of food and lack of physical activity. This trend is more pronounced in lower socio-economic areas(Pearce et al 2008).In 1955 WHO formed global school health initiative to reduce health problem among young people. As a part of the initiative in UK, National healthy school programme-HSP was formed to tackle childhood obesity. It has given priority to physical activity and healthy eating but not on social exclusion and fails to address experiences of marginalised and vulnerable groups in schools(Curtis 2008). The government policy on white paper like ` choosing the health: making the healthy choices easier the policy was implemented through public services agreement-PSA to halt obesity by 2010.It is delivered through local agency and by UNNAO (Mohetbati et al 2007) There are national targets to reduce children with overweight and obesity by 2000 level. The scheme where imp lemented locally to tackle it. But they are not designed , timetabled, resourced or evaluated(Pearce et al 2008) and there is no adequate attention was given to psychological implication of the intervention. The urgency of childhood obesity was reflected in department of health, the policy in this area of childhood obesity lacked co-ordination, surveillance and screening. It is not precisely articulated and explored (Lake 2009). Another important effect of obesity is diabetes. In UK every one person in three is diagnosed with diabetes(practice Nurse 2009).The prevalence rate increases in faster rate than US and Canada, with increase of 74% in past 6 years(occupational health 2009).It is showed that in 2008 it was 2.5million diagnosed with diabetes against 2.3million in 2007,that is 3.86% and 3.66% (Diabetes UK 2007 and 2008) According to Diabetes UK (2009) ,the projections shows that during 2010 there will be anticipated ageing and with growth of overweight and obesity. And by 2015 obesity will be the extra burden of  £6.3 billion to UK NHS. The country could face a diabetes explosion by 2025 with 4 million people will be affected and 500,000 will live with it unknown. It is blamed to be due to overweight and obesity (Occupation health, 2008). It is getting a major public health problem and it is also root cause of many life style diseases like cardiovascular diseases, stroke , blindness etc., Another beh avioural problem which is also the main cause for the above all diseases are smoking and alcoholism, which are the demographic risk to the population. Smoking is one problem which involves many disciplines of action. 2006 there were 12 million smoker in UK, of which the prevalence is higher among men than women for age groups except between 16-19 years. The gender difference is higher among 25-34 years with 33% for men and 26% for female and lower in those aged 60 years and above( There is decline in the prevalence to 21% in the age group of 16 and over by 2007(ONS 2007), but there is no considerable decline in the smoking rate among young women between the ages of 11-18 years(Bowles et al 2009). However in general prevalence is more among unskilled manual jobs than professional jobs (Hillier 2006).In 1974 51% of men and 41% women wants to give up smoking , but in 2005 25 % of men and 23 % of women want to give up cigarette smoking. The gender gap is getting decreased between these two years. But in general 66% of them want to give up smoking(ONS, 2009).The death due to lung cancer range from 90%, 80% to emphysema and bronchitis and 17% to heart diseases(ASH 2007). Moreover, one in three smokers will develop cancer in some stage of life and one in four will die of diseases. Smoking contributes to overall 22% of deaths in UK(ASH 2008).NHS spends around  £ 2.7 billion year for treating diseases caused by smoking(ASH 2009) Cardio vascular diseases is a condition which involves a group of condition which is caused mainly by obesity, diabetes, smoking, alcohol, sedentary life styles, which are interlinked. It includes heart diseases and stroke. It kills one in three people, which can be altered by life style changes(BBC 2008).CVD is biggest killer in the country which contribute to 200,000 deaths a year with highest rate than Europe. The projections for 2050 is every nine out of ten will be overweight and obese, which in turn is a contributing factor for CVD. It poses  £ 30 billion to NHS and to UK economy (Care Quality commission 2009).In 2006, CVD cost 14.4 million for health care system, out of which 72% for hospital care and 20% for drugs. Another important non health care cost is production loss. The financial burden from informal care is due to death and illness during working age. In 2006, informal care caused  £ 8.2 billion to UK government .In an overall it will cost  £ 30.7 billion a yea r ( main public health concern regarding CVD is alarming increase in death rate which is due to modifiable risk factors like obesity and smoking. Next common cause of death among the UK people is cancer. The trend of death due to cancer peaked for males during 1984 and fallen during 2007. For females it peaked during 1989 and fallen in 2007.In UK about 50,000 cancer deaths every year (BBC 2007).Cancer is followed by mental health. In the recent past there is strong relationship between mental health and economic downtown. There is a challenge that exist to tackle the mental health without compromising in quality of treatment. All around mental health cost about  £110 billion per year. This is increasing due to recession, unemployment, home repossession etc., The expenditure on mental health will double if the same situation exist( Royal college of psychiatrist 2009).Women are 19.1% higher than men in using mental health services. And old age people using double the size(mental health bulletin 2009).For this government has sorted out some priorities like support to employer from government , Right kind of support to people w ith problem and concentration on research to improve the present situation in co ordination from public health professional. This can done by public mental health approach (Royal college of psychiatrics). Inequalities due to migration are the constant problem in UK. It may be due to the difference in the level of deprivation (Connolly O Reilly 2007). According to ONS (2009), migration in is seen in two levels like immigration and emigration. International migrations contribute to population growth of UK in the recent years. The people emigrated from UK is 427,000 in 2008 which is high when compared to 341,000 in 2007. The number of people emigrated has doubled in A8 accession countries from 25,000 in 2007 to 69,000 in 2008. In contrast, people came to UK in 2008 is 590,000 when compared with 574,100 in 2007. However, there is decrease in NI number allocation between 2007 and 2008 shows that decrease in the number of people came to UK from other countries. There is steady decrease in people immigrating to UK between 2007, it includes both EU and Non EU. But there is sharp increase in people coming for formal study from 27% in 2007 to 32% in 2008(ONS).Immigration causes two problems to NHS, first is the abuse of overseas visitors and second is unchecked permanent migration with major illness and diseases like HIV, Tuberculosis and Hepatitis B. These diseases are communicable, intractable leads to spread which will cause serious public health problems (Moxon 2004).
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Pride in Young Goodman Brown and The Ministers Black Veil Essay
Pride in Young Goodman Brown and The Minister's Black Veil      Many of Hawthorne's characters wrap themselves in a pride of intellect. The characters become victims of their pride and consequently suffer. Goodman Brown, from "Young Goodman Brown" and Hooper, from "The Minister's Black Veil" are two characters that suffer from a pride of intellect. Their pride causes them similar problems and they end up living similar lives, although they came from different backgrounds.      Hooper and Goodman Brown both become isolated from society. Hooper had a revelation, and he feels that he truly understands human nature and sin. However, he believes that he is above everybody else because he has this understanding. This is what causes the major separation between Hooper and society. After Hooper dawns the veil he can no longer function or act as a normal person, because of this feeling of superiority. His perception of an ultimate human isolation leaves him the man most isolated in what Hawthorne describes as that saddest of all prisons, his own heart . . . "(The Minister's Black Veil,228). The veil affects all parts of his life, his fiance leaves him and he can no longer relate to his congregation the same way. "As a result of wearing the veil, Hooper becomes a man apart, isolated from love and sympathy, suspected and even feared by his congregation"(Minister's Black Veil, 228). Goodman Brown suffers the same fate because he also has a feeling of superiority over the rest of the village.  He attains this feeling after he sees all the people that he though were good and pure participating in satanic rituals in the fore...  Works Cited and Consulted Benoit, Raymond. "'Young Goodman Brown': The Second Time Around." The Nathaniel Hawthorne Review 19 (Spring 1993): 18-21. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Complete Short Stories of Nathaniel Hawthorne. New York: Doubleday and Co., Inc.,1959. James, Henry. Hawthorne. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1997. Kaul, A. N., Ed.. "HAWTHORNE: A Collection of Critical Essays." Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1966. Martin, Terence. Nathaniel Hawthorne. New York: Twayne Publishers Inc., 1965. Morris, Lloyd., "THE REBELLIOUS PURITAN: Portrait of Mr. Hawthorne." Port Washington: Kennikat Press. Van Doren, Mark., Ed. "The Best of Hawthorne." New York: The Ronald Press Company. 1951. Wagenknecht, Edward. Nathaniel Hawthorne - The Man, His Tales and Romances. New York: Continuum Publishing Co., 1989.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Assess the Impact of European Commecial Activities in the Atlantic Island and West Africa from 1415-1600
Assess the Impact of European commercial activities in the Atlantic Islands and West Africa from 1415 to 1600. When one queries the assessment of the European commercial activities and its impact in the Atlantic Islands and West Africa between the years 1415 and 1600, trickery, social violence, intrusion and the horrors of slavery comes to mind. There were many negative impacts such as population loss, loss of self worth and loyalty, the Europeans involved caused the demise of the European cloth industry. The Portuguese were the first Europeans to set foot in this area in the fifteenth century. During the history of Portugal (1415-1542), Portugal discovered an eastern route to India that rounded the Cape of Good Hope, established trading routes throughout most of southern Asia and they colonized selected areas of Africa. It was the genius of Prince Henry the Navigator(1) that coordinated all these quests of expansion. Prince Henry placed at the disposal of his captains a plethora of resources, of which he was the head, and the best information and most accurate instruments and maps that could be obtained. He sought to meet with the infamous Christian Empire of â€Å"Prester John†(2) by way of the â€Å"Western Nile†(the Senegal River), and, in alliance with that to crush the Turks and liberate the Holy Land. Slavery was practiced in Africa before the beginning of the European slave trade. Slavery and the slave trade were an integral part of African societies and the Arab world was supplied with African slaves for centuries before the arrival of the Europeans. The African slave trade provided a large number of slaves to Europeans and their African agents. Initially, the Portuguese started trading in copper, brass, European cloth, etc in exchange for gold, which was in high demand in Europe. Above all things, the most impact full commercial activity of all was the European Slave Trade and its economic and social effects it had on West Africa and the Atlantic Island. The Atlantic Islands which were involved with the European commercial activities were: The Azores, Madeira, Sao Tome & Principle, Cape Verde, and Goree Islands. The African countries that were involved in the Portuguese trade were the coast of the Congo, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Liberia, Angola and Morocco. In order to assess the impact or extent to which West African and the Atlantic societies were affected by the European commercial activities, one must certainly look into the number of slaves that were either traded or raided from their homelands. Population loss is certainly a focal point when assessing the impact of the European Commercial activity. According to Walter Rodney in ‘How Europe Underdeveloped Africa’ he states that â€Å"One of the uncertainties concerns the basic question of how many Africans were imported. This has long been an object of speculation, with estimates ranging from a few millions to over one hundred million. A recent study has suggested a figure of about ten million Africans landed alive in the Americas, the Atlantic islands and Europe. †The actual number of slaves is certainly a very difficult figure to ascertain. However there is no doubt that it was an absolutely staggering number of natives that were taken from their homelands, sold and enslaved. Population loss is a very serious loss when it comes to the development of a people. The economy and the social fabric of the people are utterly destroyed, leaving Africans in a state of chaos. The impact of the population loss as it relates to commercial activity is so severe that at present more than a bicentenary Western Africa is still in shambles, with an economy barely able to stand. It was even more difficult during the years of the slave trade for West Africans to replenish their population simply because when trading the adult males were high in demand in opposed to that of the females, thus leaving the remaining ratio of men to women in West Africa in trouble. John Thornton, in his book ‘Africa and Africans in the Making of the Atlantic World’ says that ‘In addition to the net demographic drain, which began early in some areas (like Angola), the loss of adult males had potentially damaging impacts on sex ratios, dependency rates, and perhaps the sexual division of labor†. This goes to show the gravity of impact the population loss had or still has on West Africa. In Walter Rodney’s ‘How Europe Underdeveloped Africa’ he states that â€Å"The massive loss to the African labour force was made more critical because it was composed of able-bodied young men and young women. Slave buyers preferred their victims between the ages of 15 and 35, and preferably in the early twenties; the sex ratio being about two men to one woman. †The people, or lack thereof, of West Africa found it very difficult to replenish the population, not to mention the interruption of the family structure in his part of Africa. Like most cultures, in African culture the men are the head of the household and were the chiefs of the various villages. In the absence of these men, many women found it very difficult to survive having lived as housewives and depending on men as the bread winners of the household. As a result, thre was social chaos in the Western par t of Africa. Social Upheaval and Low Self Worth was another one of the major impacts of the European commercial activities on West Africa. As a result of the slave trade through raids and trade, there is no doubt concerning the social ills that plagued Western Africa. Many Africans were betrayed by their own political leaders who sold their African people to Europeans for items such as guns, horses and cowrie shells(3). As a result of this vicious betrayal there was social upheaval and chaos. Raids occurred and many villages were uprooted. Walter Rodney mentioned in his book How Europe Underdeveloped Africa that â€Å"The opportunity presented by European slave dealers became the major (though not the only) stimulus for a great deal of social violence between different African communities and within any given community. It took the form more of raiding and kidnapping than of regular warfare, and that fact increased the element of fear and uncertainty. †West African people tried to protect themselves and tried to fight back against the Europeans as they were all very unwilling to participate in the Slave Trade. This slave trade caused social disruption and increased inequality and intensified exploitation. In James Duffy â€Å"Portugal In Africa†he says that â€Å"On the Gold Coast Portuguese traders could not move with the freedom and security through the interior. They were obliged to use whatever force or methods of terror they had at their disposal, and when this failed they relied on intrigue and bribery†. The moral fabric and self worth of Africans were also tremendously damaged as a result of European influence. Lives were destroyed, and whole ethnic groups wiped out.. African Pride years and materialism was born into the African mentality and thought process. The African man, who was once concerned with skill, prowess, strength and knowledge had changed to intense materialism. African chiefs sold their own people for simple items such as cheap gin, gunpowder, pots and beads. These items were not coveted and demanded by the African chiefs and they continued to sell their people for their selfish gains. This created mistrust and bitterness between the African villagers and their leaders, thus causing internal conflict amongst West African societies. European commercial activities caused a stand still in technology and as a result in the economy of Western Africa. During the European Slave Trade there began a demand for cloth in Africa. There became a strong dependency on Europe in Africa. There was cloth made in Africa when the European Slave Trade began and there were also imports from Europe and Asia. Soon Europe and Asia were copying African cloth designs and materials and they were imported into Africa creating stiff competition with the local producers. European cloth was then imported in bulk thus having more supply and at cheaper rates. The local cloth industry was certainly in trouble. Europeans produced cloth on a large scale by using energy from wind, water and coal. Thus the local cloth manufacturers were forced to end their work leaving African cloth producing industry at a stand still and it eventually was shut down. In Walter Rodney’s book on â€Å"How Europe Underdeveloped Africa†he says that Therefore, there was what can be called ‘technological arrest’ or stagnation, and in some instances actual regression, since people forgot even the simple technique of their forefathers. The abandonment of traditional iron smelting in most parts of Africa is probably the most important instance of technological regression. European activity crippled the industrial life of many West African countries and caused West Africa to become completely dependant on Europe. The European Commercial activities did very little if any to contribute to the development of Western Africa. In fact the development of West Africa was retarded and was undoubtedly damaged and destroyed in many ways. Europeans did not just uproot the West Africans physically by ways of loss of population and death but socially because their pride was broken, they were said to be useless and inferior to the Europeans. Initially, the Europeans never set out to create suck havoc in Western Africa but within their exploration it turned out to be nothing but exploitation of the African people. There is no hiding the number of slaves that were taken form Western Africa and took to various islands to work and to be enslaved. Families were shattered, populations depleted and lives scattered for economic gain. Fear and inferiority was also driven into the hearts and minds of Africans. From the raiding Africans were left in a state of chaos and fear for their families and the estruction of homes and entire villages. There was bloodshed, deaths and killings as a result of these many raids that the Europeans carried out. It was through trickery and bribery that many of the trading occurred. Europeans brought useless items to the chiefs in the West Africa for them to trade for their own people. This bred mistrust and betrayal in the hearts of African people. Chiefs became materialistic and selfish and became very interested in riches and gain that they forgot their people. European commercial activities caused the African cloth industry to come to an end by their mass producing and heavy and stiff competition for the Africans. The cloth made Europeans, which copied African styles was created in bulk and was much cheaper thus running the African cloth makers out of business. In essence, the impact of the European commercial activities was very severe and hindered the development of Western Africa and its people it changed the mindset of the African man and crushed a thriving civilization and culture.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Men Are More Likely to Commit Crime Than Women
Criminal commitment is one of serious problem in society. There is a question that crime is committed by more men or women. Some people think that women are considered as higher rate in criminals than men. In contrast, others, including me, are in favor of contrary opinion. The first reason is that men are usually quick-tempered. When, problems happen, instead of discuss gently to find out measures, men frequently talk loudly and beat others. For example, if an accident occurs, men are often furious. They also use rough word to talk. Thus, they possibly hit each other easily.Male self-esteem is quite high, too. Men, due to a little lack of respect from other people, will be angry easily. Additionally, men always want to be respected and admired by other people. They are proud of themselves and want that others also appreciate them. They find many ways to prove themselves. They do special or strange things to attract attention. They let others know that they have ability, power and st rength. Many hackers just hack website because of simple reasons, such as demand in showing competence Finally, men are the backbones of families. They have to shoulder great responsibility.One of them is finance. Men are more likely need to find jobs which can help their families pay living expenses. However it is not easy. Consequently, they may earn money by illegal ways, such as: fraud, robbery, smuggling†¦ In some case, men commit crimes accidently. When their family is damaged by others, they are forced to fight in order to protect their family. There are quitter a lot of case that as a consequence of self-defense, men commit manslaughter. Concluded, men are easier becomes criminals than women because of their personality and responsibility.
Career Counselor Interview Essay
It is never too early to start thinking about the career that you want. This is asked by many parents of children at an early age, teachers in grade school and junior high, again in high school, but what is not always asked is â€Å"what is needed to accomplish or reach that career choice?†With school counselors’ roles evolving over the years, many students see them as leaders and someone they can turn to for advice. Counselors work in â€Å"diverse community settings designed to provide a variety of counseling, rehabilitation, and support services†(Counselors, 2010). This student interviewed, Miranda Angeles, an enrollment counselor at Mt. San Jacinto Community College (MSJC), in Menifee. Miranda has a BA in Psychology from the University of Phoenix. She has been with MSJC for a little over a year and works primarily with the incoming freshmen. During the interview, this student learned what Ms. Angeles’ responsibilities were and how vital they are to h er students. Ms. Angeles is in charge of a competency-based guidance program. This program â€Å"is designed to assist students with the development of their educational, personal, and career goals†(2014). She stated that she feels since college freshman are transitioning into adulthood and/or the work field, as well as separating from their parents and figuring out their own independence, this program is extremely helpful in outlining their goals. Students need a sense of guidance with making decisions, when making them for the first time on their own and that it were school counselors can help guide them. Ms. Angeles also shared the importance of picking a college and what the student should consider. First, does the college have a program that peaks your interest in a potential career. Second, is the school accredited, meaning will your credits transfer elsewhere should you decide to change schools or want to further your education. Third, the location of the school and the student population in regards to class size for learning depending on your learning style. A smaller campus may be more appealing to you if you do better in smaller, close group setting. Fourth, the services offered at the school for the student. Do they have a student body, organized events such as dances or sports team. Lastly, what are the admission and financial aid process. Students wanting to attend college should talk to those who know the admissions policy, so that the student can make sure they are on the right track. Many colleges and universities, as well as community colleges have their own set of requirements such as a certain grade point average (GPA), high school diploma or official transcripts, SAT or ACT scores, along with tuition fees. This sounds simple enough, however for incoming freshmen going through this alone, they could become overwhelmed, thus enrollment counselors are so important in helping guide the student. Since, Ms. Angeles works at the community college level, she shared that many community colleges have specific teachings for certain careers that can be completed for certification, shortening the time in school verses receiving a degree. Many students choose this route, while others want the degree, with either the degree itself or many of the courses transferring to a four year college if desired, once the student is accepted into the new college or university. Also, with community college, tuition is usually much lower than a four year, which appeals to many students if they have to use financial aid. Another plus to choosing community college over a four year is, â€Å"Community colleges have formed a partnership with traditional institution and serve a great diversity of students regardless of age, professional background, academic ability, and educational goals,†(Williams & Southers, 2010). This students understanding of this is that no matter your age, background, prior grades or educational goals, everyone pretty much is accepted into community college and can better not only themselves but family as well at any time. While interviewing Ms. Angeles, this student asked how she helps guide students who are set on a specific career. Ms. Angeles said that she often receives emails about upcoming community events and services and will share these on the bulletin board and with teachers in a specific field to share with students. She feels that â€Å"students who seek personal development are the ones who desire a long career and personal growth, and is an asset to the field of their choice†(2014). Ms. Angeles also feels that by being involved with school activities, projects and affairs, she is showing students her commitment to not only the school but to them as well. â€Å"Being a counselor is a great career choice for those wanting to help others, you often times get to create your own ideas and things that will leave your client, or student in this case feeling a sense of accomplishment and good about themselves,†(2014). When asked about how she sees technology, such as iPads, influencing students, Ms. Angeles responded with â€Å"it is never too early to develop skills or have an interest in a specific career, such as a police officer or firefighter for boys and a princess or nurse for girls,†(2014). This left this student wondering, if there are places that students from elementary through high school can go and explore their interests and see how many of them follow through with making something bigger of those interests. They almost seem like dreams that we all have as children, one day growing up and wanting to be someone. With school counseling evolving over the years, it is important to not only ask children at an early age what they want career wise, but to educate them on what that includes as far furthering their education. During this interview, this student learned that counselors are not only there for the academic purposes, but emotional, social, and career wise as well. This student also learned that having a strong counselor at school will set the student up with a solid foundation for school and hopefully the beginning of a successful career with the choices the student has made along the way to find their own independence. References: Angeles, Miranda. (2014, July). Career Counseling Interview. Brown, D. (2007). Career Information, Career Counseling, and Career Development, 9th Ed. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. Counselors. (2010). United States Department of Labor. Retrieved 2011, from Bureau of Labor Statistics website: Williams, M. R. & Southers, T. (Winter-Spring, 2010). Blurring the lines between high school and college: Early colleges and the effect on adult learners. Adult Learners 26(5), 210-212.
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