Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Sunday, November 24, 2019
The Problem of Work
The Problem of Work Introduction Compared to other developed countries, the United States of America has the highest number of people experiencing the problem of work-family conflict. This problem is brought about by many factors, but it is majorly caused by the long hours that most people spend working in order to cater for all their needs. The middle class income earners are the ones who are mostly affected as they have to work for extra hours or do two or more jobs in order to live a decent life.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The Problem of Work-Family Imbalance in Society specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is ironical that Americans experience more work-family related conflicts compared to Japan where people are known to die due to overwork. This problem is worsened by lack of enough laws to protect the rights of those who are working and at the same time have families. An example is the lack of paid leave which make many people to opt not to have the leave and end up overworking themselves. This paper will tackle the problem of work-family imbalance using a case study and suggest the possible solutions to the problem. Formulation of the problem In the given scenario, Chris is faced by several problems that he needs to address before things get out of hand. Being a young man, he has the challenge of bringing up his son alone and catering for all his needs, i.e., financial and the parental role of being with the child and teaching the other life lessons that can only be taught by parents. Since the son is still young, Chris has to work hard to continue providing for his needs until he is able to fend for himself. Although his relatives help him take care of the son, he can not rely entirely on them because their help is occasional and he needs to have a long term solution to the problem. The mother of the son lives away from them the son visits her over the weekends. The absence of the mother in the family probably contributes to the work-family imbalance problem that Chris is facing in raising his son. The greatest problem that he is facing is how to balance his job and the family which constitutes of his son. At the online food retailer where Chris is employed, the working hours are not very regular. As a result of this, Chris is forced to adjust in order to conform to the employer’s demands. Normally, he is supposed to work for an average of eight hours, i.e., from 9a.m to 5p.m but at times, he has to work until late in the night because this is when the shop gets many customers. This is an advantage to the employer because it is the peak time of the business. At the work place, Chris has to work cautiously and do his best in order to offer quality services and pass the three tests that ‘ODACO’ uses to measure ‘performance beyond expectation’ which would earn him some extra money and a good reputation too with the employer. Meeting the set targets i n his place of work not only earns him extra money which can be used to cater for any extra needs of the son that may arise from time to time but also causes him to have a feeling of satisfaction.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More For a period of time, Chris is able to manage this kind of lifestyle and everything seems to be working out in his favor but after some time, things start to change for worse. Chris has to look for a way to balance his life because neither his family nor his job is doing well. His constant worry about his son when at work and his work when with the son is a problem that needs immediate attention because everyone around him is worried that he may not be able to perform his duties at home or at work effectively. His lack of sleep and constant worry about his ineffectiveness at work and also at home may affect his health if not addressed imme diately. The meeting that Chris initiates with his manager after receiving a text message that he is not performing his assigned duties effectively is expected to help him come up with a solution to this problem. Chris is not the only one who is undergoing such work-family imbalance problems. Williams Boushey (p 1) estimate that ‘around 90 percent of American mothers and 95 percent of American fathers report work-family conflict’. Work-family imbalance is a major challenge for many working people. Most middle income earners have to spend a lot of their time working in order to earn enough to support their families. This causes conflict between the family and one’s job. The main challenge is how to be effective in both because most of the people end up failing as much as they try to. This in turn results to frustration. Families with single parents like Chris’ family are the ones that suffer most although even those with both parents are affected. In such families, the husband may opt to work during the day and the wife at night in order to raise more money. This causes disintegration within the family and there is hardly enough time for the family to spend together. It is therefore important for a lasting solution to be sought in order to reduce occurrence of such cases. Strategies to reduce work-family conflict and to increase work-family facilitation The employer should be flexible The problem of work-family conflict is a rampant one that needs serious measures to be put in place to help alleviate it. Several steps can be taken to mitigate the situation. The family-work imbalance that Chris is facing is not just a personal problem as it has been thought by some in the past. Most working parents have young children who need their attention and yet they have to offer quality services in their work place which puts them in the same position as Chris is in. Consolidated efforts by the policy makers, the employers and the employees are needed in order to curb the problem.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The Problem of Work-Family Imbalance in Society specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More One of the things that can be helpful to Chris is assistance from his employer who already understands his problem because Chris chooses to initiate a meeting and inform him. If only the employer would agree to be more flexible and give Chris time to cope with some of the issues that crop up from time to time, may be some of the problems that Chris is facing would be solved. The employer should be willing to allow him to some of the genuine needs that require his attention without Chris feeling like he is doing something wrong and therefore his reputation may not be good and consequently, he may end up losing his bonuses. In a family set-up, the employers should understand that there are needs which are very legitimate and especially for the middle class, where Chris seems to belong. Being a single parent, he is faced with the challenge of single-handedly providing for his son who is still young and he is also accountable to his employer who expects him to deliver quality services. This kind of help from the employer would really help in reducing the increasing levels of anxiety and other negative emotions arising from the dilemma he is facing. This also applies to all other workers who are constantly faced with emergencies which require their immediate attention but lack support from their employers. Flexibility at the places of work should be embraced by all employers in order to allow their employees to attend to legitimate needs. Paid sick-off and leave Apart prom the un-foreseen issues that arise in the course of work that call for flexibility by the employers, workers also need to be guaranteed of being away from work for a certain duration of time but still be protected and receive their pay. If this is available in the life of Chris, pr obably things will change and he will be able to meet all his responsibilities without being worried of failure. Time off should be part of the employees’ benefits so that they can have time to be with their children and also accomplish other family responsibilities like caring for their elderly or sick relatives. Employees also need time to care for a new born child who needs full time attention of their parents. Regardless of the social class that one belongs to, it is important to get time off work during which one will receive payment. This is important because workers have not been having this privilege and have ended up overworking themselves in order to cater for their needs. Although The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 gives the workers the right to some weeks off their jobs, very few people utilize it because of the need to continue working to earn enough money to cater for their needs.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The trend is similar across all social classes; although the middle and low classes are bear the greatest burden (Voydanoff, 2007). Fathers have been adversely affected because of the stigma associated with fathers taking leaves to take care of family needs like the young children as this has been seen as the role of the mothers. In the absence of the mother in the family, like Chris’ case, the father suffers most because he has no one to share the responsibility of bringing up his son with. Policies to protect workers from such laws which do not provide for paid leaves for workers should be formulated and enacted in order to ensure that workers get paid leaves and also sick-offs. If this is done, a significant amount of work related stress, which is brought about by overworking would be reduced which in turn would lead to reduced work-family conflict. If this is implemented also, workers will be aware that they can have some time away from their job to concentrate on other p ersonal issues without having to worry about where they will get their income during that period. Paid leave can be used as a time for one to be with the family and therefore this can make up for the time that one was not able to dedicate a lot of their time to the family. Formulation of policies that favor workers The existing law by The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 which provides for unpaid leave is outdated in the modern day family setting. This is because it seems not to cater for the single parents who would suffer in case they took an unpaid leave. At the time of its formulation, the law seemed to target the married people whereby the woman, who in most cases was earning lesser than her husband would take the unpaid leave while the husband continued working hence there was no much loss incurred by that kind of arrangement. According to Stebbins, (2001), with the increase in the demand for a better and decent life, which is not easily affordable, more and more people, i ncluding the women, are opting to forego the leave and concentrate on the job at the expense of the family. This has led to increased number of work-family related conflict. Chris is an example of how this arrangement has affected many single parents and hence the need for the policymakers to speed up reforms in the area of paid leave to reduce occurrence of such cases. Paid sick leave should also be accessible to every with no exclusion as is the case currently. People working in organizations with less the fifteen people are not entitled to the seven days sick off annually. It would also be helpful to the workers if they could get more benefits when working on a part time basis just as the full time workers get because this would reduce the number of people targeting the full time job market due of the benefits it attracts compared to the part time. Address discrimination at work Discrimination in the area of family responsibility has also been a challenge which needs to be addres sed to reduce cases of work-family conflict. Women who opt to take time off and care for their young children, low income workers and also fathers who shoulder the responsibility of caring for their children are some of the people that face this kind of discrimination. In Chris’ case, he could be suffering from the work-family conflict because of fear of such discrimination. Fellow employees should offer support to their colleagues who have responsibilities like Chris’ without making him feel as if they are discriminating him. There should be tolerance among the employees so that everyone can have a sense of belonging without feeling as if the rest are discriminating against them (Shelton, 2006). Affordable childcare institutions Chris can also try to bring in someone to take care of the son. This could be one of the relatives who he is comfortable with. This is because there are some of the relatives who one may be uncomfortable leaving their children under. This may include a sexually abusive or a negligent relative. According to Kelly (2011), this would help reduce the stress arising from the family and be able to concentrate more on the work without worrying about his son. In absence of this, he should consider putting his son under affordable childcare institutions. The government should help in setting up affordable institutions where children can be left during the day as their parents continue working. The government has been lax in looking into the matter of affordable childcare institutions and in the case of the existing ones; the employees there are poorly paid. This leads to poor services and in some instances very unaffordable charges in good institutions. Conclusion Chris’ case is representation of the problem that majority of the people are facing. The policymakers need to take seriously how life is like for a typical citizen and come up with measures to alleviate the problem. This would show the people that the government is concerned with the welfare and the needs of her citizens’ contrary to the belief held by many, that the government is uncaring and not concerned with the everyday struggles of its citizens. Work-family conflict cause a lot of emotional instability both at home and in the place of work leading to low output and dissatisfaction which is a key reason why it needs immediate attention. Reference List Kelly, E. L., 2011. Changing Workplaces to Reduce Work-Family Conflict. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Shelton, L. M., 2006. Female Entrepreneurs, Work–Family Conflict, and Venture Performance: New Insights into the Work–Family Interface. Journal of Small Business Management, 2006: 44(2), pp. 285–297 Stebbins, L. F., 2001. Work and family in America: a reference handbook. US: ABC-CLIO. Voydanoff, P., 2007. Work, family, and community: exploring interconnections. London: Routledge. Williams, J Boushey, H., 2011. The Three Faces of Work-Family Conflict: Th e Poor, the Professionals, and the Missing Middle. California: University of California. Web.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Konica Minolta business solutions customer service training plan Coursework
Konica Minolta business solutions customer service training plan - Coursework Example The assessment will help in; Organizational analysis examines the areas where training is required and the explicit conditions under which the training will be conducted (Altschuld & Kumar, 2010). It will identify abilities, skills, and knowledge that employees will need for the future in order to meet the organization’s goal of providing substantial services to its loyal customers while helping health care, legal, and educational customers to embrace rapid information movement, reduce costs, improve quality, and enhance security. HR data will be analyzed to indicate areas where introduction of training will boost performance. Tagged among these are departments with high absenteeism rates, high turnover, and poor performance (Noe, 2010). Changes in automation, technology or equipment will also need to be identified. After a thorough analysis, appropriate training will be developed. Moreover, the management will need to offer the required financial support in order to ensure the success of the assessm ent. Moreover, customer complaints and employee grievances will also be considered in order to effectively cover the needs of the organization. Factors to be considered include labor pool, future skills need, and alterations in laws and conventions (Hawthorne, 2007). Individual analysis will target the employees of Konica Minolta Business Solutions and how they perform. Employees will be reviewed to reveal any deficiencies that will aid in the formulation of an effective and efficient training plan. Additionally, employees will also be interviewed (both casual and casual), surveyed, or tested to ascertain their training needs. Employees will be at liberty to indicate the various problems that they have and recommend possible solutions to the problems. Task study will begin with a comparison of employees’ knowledge and skills to
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Implementation Challenges and Methodology for ERP Implementation Essay
Implementation Challenges and Methodology for ERP Implementation - Essay Example The researcher states that the major benefit associated with the implementation of ERP within organizations is its ability to increase the productivity of the organizations, through increasing the timely, continuous and widely applicable real-time business information. This enables organizations to plan well for their different operations. Nevertheless, the implementation of the ERP can be marred by varied challenges, which combine to reduce the chances of the implementation success. This, therefore, requires that the implementation of ERP should apply a methodology that minimizes such challenges, and thus delivers the expected benefit of the ERP system to the organization with minimal associated costs. The methodology applied to implement an ERP should, therefore, be loaded with the essential critical success factors, to ensure that the organization is able to start enjoying the benefits of an ERP system from the very beginning and that such benefits are sustainable. The discussion analyses ERP implementation as a global technology transfer project, which can enable Roll-Royce to transform from its initial legacy system into enjoying the full benefits of the ERP thought its multinational operations. Technology Transfer refers to a process by which the knowledge and information that is embedded within a technology by the technology creator are put into practical use by the user of the technology. Therefore, the implementation of the ERP system in Roll Royce does not only entail the application of the ERP equipment, but also the know-how. Therefore, the challenge facing the global implementation does not only entail the challenges of the conveyance process from the vendor/creator of the ERP system to the organization, but also the subsequent challenges involving the adoption, possession, and promotion of the ERP by the organization.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Quantitative reasoning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Quantitative reasoning - Essay Example According to Thomas Day: â€Å"If adverse drug reactions were classified as a disease it would rank as the fifth leading cause of death in the United States.†(â€Å"About Medical Care for The Elderly†, n.d.) Elderly people consume nearly 30% of all drugs. This group of people takes drugs more than any other social group. Elderly people have many different problems with their health, that’s why they take medicine to relieve pain in different parts of body. One of the main problems for them is taking medicine. The interaction of drugs is the most dangerous. The average elderly person takes nearly three-four prescription medicine at a time. Sometimes people don’t understand that there are some side effects. The combination of drugs can be very necessary for effective treatment, but it needs special attention and care. Elderly people are more sensible to medicine than young ones are, because of the changes in functions of the organs such as kidneys, liver, etc. If there is too much medicine in the blood elderly people can face such side effects as memory loss, dizziness, retention of fluids, confusion, internal bleeding, sometimes even death. They are also more sensible to particular side effects. Dosage is very important. It must be taken into consideration that the level of dosage for young people won’t do for older ones. Usual doses and their frequencies are too high for them. Inappropriate dosage can be dangerous and cause many problems. But there are exceptions when older patient needs a high level of medications, for example, in case when resistance in the cells is being treated. Another problem is inobservance of dosage and its frequency by older people. Some of them take more than it is prescribed trying to recover faster, some neglect taking all necessary medicine in time or refuse to take it at all, some of them have problems with memory or confusion. That’s why it is extremely important for care
Friday, November 15, 2019
Prevelence of Inguinal Hernia in Men Caused by Mosquito
Prevelence of Inguinal Hernia in Men Caused by Mosquito PREVELENCE OF INGUINAL HERNIA IN MEN CAUSED BY MOSQUITO VECTOR IN TANGA COAST LAND CASE STUDY MUHEZA STUDENT NAME: BARABARA JOHN Contents (Jump to): INTRODUCTION Background information Literature Review Problem Statement Objectives Specific Objectives General Objectives Research questionnaire Significance of the Study Study Area and Site Sampling and Sampling Techniques Data collection Data Analysis Conclusion References INTRODUCTION Hernia is defined as the protrusion, swelling or exit of an organ the body wall that normally contains it. The inguinal hernia occur when the protrusion occur through the inguinal canal (Onuigbo WIB, et al 2016). This problem most of the time face men because of the inherent weakness of the abdominal wall in the area spermatic cord passes through the inguinal canal (National Center for Health Statistics,1960) Hernia usually involve two things, First is imperfection itself, known as the size and the location of the imperfection, another thing is the hernia sac (pouch) which contain abdominal contents such as omentum, small intestine, colon or bladder, or the sac may be empty (SD, Sharma VM, et al 2013). There are many types of hernia but most occurring hernia is groin hernias also other hernias it involve hiatus hernia, incisional hernia and umbilical hernia. (SD, Sharma VM, et al 2013) The inguinal hernia occur at the time when the tissues pushes though a weak area in the scrotum, this phenomenon result to rounded swelling which distort a flat surface of the scrotum(groin).this swelling may hurt or may burn sometimes. Inguinal hernia occur in the scrotum where there is the deposition of the fatty tissues or intestinal tissues pushes through the inguinal canal. The inguinal canal resides at its lower part, both males and females have the inguinal canal. In men, the testes usually are situated downward through this tubular duct shortly before birth. In women, the tubular duct is the location for the uterine ligament. If a hernia is in this area, it results in a protruding swelling that result into a painful during movement. Most of the inguinal hernia occur because an opening in the muscle wall do not close as it should be before birth, this result to a weak area in the front part of the human trunk muscles, Pressure on the weak area can result tissue to push through and swell out. A hernia can occur soon after birth or after some time in the life depending on the various factors that individual can be subjected with during the life time. People with more weight are facing more risk of get a hernia. Hernias are more common in men. A woman may get a hernia while she is pregnant because of the pressure on her belly wall. SYMPTOMS The main symptom of an inguinal hernia is the swelling in the groin or scrotum in case of men, the swelling feels like a compact mass with an irregular shape. This swelling may form over a period of weeks or months or it may appear all of a sudden after been lifting heavy weights, coughing, bending, straining, or laughing. The hernia can be painful, but some hernias makes a swelling with no pain. Other symptoms include; pain when coughing, exercising, or bending over burning sensations sharp pain a heavy or full sensation in the groin Types of Inguinal Hernias There are two main types of hernia, which are, direct hernia and indirect hernia. The direct inguinal hernia is most occurring one and it is usually occur in premature birth at the time before the inguinal canal is fully developed, also it might happen any time during the life time and it is most occurring in males. A direct inguinal hernia most often occurs in adults. The popular belief is that weakening muscles during adulthood lead to a direct inguinal hernia. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), this type of hernia is more prevalent in men. Inguinal hernias can also be incarcerated or strangulated. An incarcerated inguinal hernia happens when tissue becomes stuck in the groin and cant go back. Strangulated versions are more serious medical conditions that restrict blood flow to the small intestine. Strangulated hernias are life-threatening and require emergency medical care. EPIDEMOLOGY Inguinal hernia occur in both male and female, but are more common in males than in female and are more in whites compared with non-whites, it affect all ages but the more risk of inguinal hernia increase with the increase in age. With respect to the sex, females become apparent at the later age between the age of 40 to 60 years and from 60 to 79years .while in men it occur 10 years earlier. (Onuigbo WIB, et al 2016) BACKGROUND INFORMATION Hernias are among of the oldest recorded problem that cause illness in mankind and they are most seen in the groin or scrotum. (Onuigbo WIB, et al 2016). The first report of hernia was published in 1853 by Bowditch. The discovery of artificially insensitive to pain drugs or induced by the admistration by the gases before the surgical operation(anesthesia) and the development of drugs which prevent the disease causing microorganisms(antiseptic) methods in the mid of 19th century change fundamentally the practice of surgery. The development of these techniques including anesthesia techniques in the 1860s allowed more invasive methods to be used in the treatment of non-complicated inguinal hernias. The concluded method for the treatment of inguinal hernia is the surgical repair method regardless of its origin or its type (Onuigbo WIB, et al 2016). HERNIA REPAIR APROACHES OPEN ANTERIOR HERNIA REPAIR APROACH In the late 19th century Trait introduced the basic surgical management of scrotum hernias that he used a trans- abdominal approach to suture the defect this technique used the row of stiches holding together the edges of wound or a surgical incision where by a thread or wire is used. This approach fell from favor when Eduardo Bassini in 1887, introduced the first true anatomical repair of the inguinal hernia Henry O Marcy (1837-1924), a surgeon from the USA and a disciple of the English surgeon Joseph Lister, give a detailed account of two cases of incarcerated hernia that he treated surgically in 1871. Marcy, using Listerian antiseptic techniques, performed the standard operation of the day on these two patients: he divided the hernia ring in the usual way with the hernial knife and reduced the incarcerated hernia. Also Marcy went more and more extensive with the hernia technique then in vogue, Rather than open the hernia sac, he reduced it and repaired the defect by closing the constricting ring with carbolized catgut suture. LAPAROSCOPIC APPROACHES Introduced by Ger in 1982 into the armamentarium of hernia repairs ,since its introduction it have undergone considerably changes and it has been are source of most prolonged dis agreements. With the appearing of long and distinct period of history of laparoscopic surgery, some surgeons had been suggested to apply this new technology (prosthetic material) on the laparoscopic hernias surgery because it (the laparoscopic surgery) fulfils all the primary and secondary points for the perfect hernia surgery. The very important point that is provided by laparoscopic surgery that it dealt with the hernia at the point of its origin exactly within the abdominal cavity at the level of the scrotum holes, and not at the inguinal canal, where the hernial sac follows its way. Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair technique was initiated in early 1990s and build on the originally championed by Renà © Stoppa (open preperitoneal approaches). Also Ger in 1982 made effort to archive a minimal access groin hernia repair by closing the opening of an indirect inguinal hernial sac using Michel clips. In 1989, Bogojavlensky reported filling an indirect hernia defect with a plug of polypropylene mesh followed by laparoscopic suture closure of the internal ring. In 1990, Phillips and McKenna developed totally extra peritoneal (TEP) technique with or without peritoneoscopy. In 1991 Arregui give a detailed information about transabnormial preperitoneal (TAPP) approach with full exposure of the inguinal floor and placement of a large preperitoneal prosthesis. Toy and Smoot in 1991 give a detailed informationabout a technique of intraperitoneal on lay mesh (IPOM) placement, where by an intraabdominal piece of polypropylene or e-polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) was stapled over the myopectineal orifice without opening of the peritoneum During the same period, Phillips and McKernan gave a detailed account on TEP technique of endoscopic hernioplasty (where an instrument was introduced into the body to view its internal parts) where the peritoneal cavity is not breached and the entire dissection is performed bluntly (without sharp edge instruments) in the extraperitoneal space with a balloon device or the tip of the laparoscope itself The advancement of the knowledge of human anatomy in inguinal region is vital importance in the surgical skills of the disease. Once the dissection is complete, a 15 ÃÆ'- 10 cm mesh is stapled in place over the myopectineal orifice(most common now days). In all of the rapairs the mesh is in physical contact fascia of the transversalis muscle in the preperitoneal space, allows tissue ingrowths leading to the fixation of the mesh (as opposed to being in contact to the peritoneum as in IPOM repair where it is prone to migrate). The two techniques (TAPP and TEP) proved more effective and emerged as the most popular. These repairs approach the myopectineal orifice posteriorly, similar in anatomical perspective to the open preperitoneal approaches. A clear understanding of the anatomy from this perspective is crucial to avoid a number of complications, mainly vascular and nerve injuries. Laparoscopy provides a clear view of the entire myopectineal orifice, and repairs of both inguinal and femoral hernias can be performed LITERATURE REVIEW Although the incidence and prevalence of inguinal hernias worldwide is unknown, it is estimated, that in the United States, approximately about 4.5 million people have inguinal hernia while in Jerusalem, it was documented as 18 per 100 men aged 25 and over. Less is known about epidemiology of inguinal hernia in resource poor setting, according to the currently research it shows that in Tanzania the inguinal hernial prevalence in adults is 5.36% and approximately 12.09% of men live with hernia. While in Great Britain about 7000 repairs are performed each year, this indicate that about 0.14% of the whole population suffer from hernia (Onuigbo WIB, et al 2016). PROBLEM STATEMENT Inguinal hernia is common surgical problem in both developed and developing countries. Sometimes it can present a surgical misunderstanding even for the skilled surgeon when the swell contain unusual contents, surgery is the only way to deal with abnormal contents raised in the swelling (Onuigbo WIB, et al 2016). The surgery is the basic care for an individuals suffer from inguinal hernia (groin hernia) which is most common problem. About 96% of all scrotal hernias are regarded as inguinal hernias and the remaining 4% are formal. Surgical practice of inguinal hernia is most common operations performed now days .inguinal hernia is the one of the most important problem in a public health, also another problem of hernia is that it can it can present a danger problem even for a skilled surgeon because many disease infection can be regarded as hernia (Onuigbo WIB, et al 2016). Inguinal hernia is disease that affect most people in a coastal area (case study Tanga) that cause the inflammation and pain full in the testes (scrotum), according to the previously research shows less has been done to prevent the spread of the disease and to improve the awareness of individuals towards the disease also he improvement of medication and repair system has to be improved. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Specific objectives 1. To assess the number of individual who are living with the disease 2. To assess the number of individuals who are in a risk of being infected by the disease 3. To assess the availability of diagnosis and the treatment of the disease General objectives 1.To motivate the government and non-governmental institutions to assist the diagnosis and treatment of the disease 2.To understand the magnitude of the disease in Tanzania especially in Tanga coast land QUESTIONNAIRE Question. What is an inguinal hernia? Indicator; inguinal hernia is a swelling of scrotum Question. What causes an inguinal hernia? Indicator; is the defect that individual born with it, also may be infection Question. What are the symptoms of an inguinal hernia? Indicator; swelling and pain full in the scrotum during caught or lifting heavy objects Question. Why do most of people suffer from the disease do not get treatments? Indicator; because most f people inherit the weakness that cause the disease from their parents Question; is the treatment for the disease enough to fight the disease? Indicator; the treatment may vary according to the area where individual lives, other areas are with high social services but others are not Question; Do you understand how the disease is transmitted? Indicator; 7. Question; Do you know what organism transmit the disease? Indicator; SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY At the end of this research the community awareness towards the disease will increase hence the prevention measures will increase and the number of individuals who are at risk of being infected will be reduced. Also the diagnosis and treatment will be improved so as to fight the disease STUDY AREA The research shall be conducted in Tanga coast land case study Muheza SAMPLING AND SAMPLING TECHNIQUES Sample shall be selected from the population randomly in order to avoid biasness and obtain the accurate data for the problem of inguinal hernia DATA COLLECTION   Data in this research shall be collected using research questionnaires that will be provided to the individuals member of community and answer the provided questions concerning with the inguinal hernia, case study Muheza Tanga coast land. DATA ANALYSIS The obtained data from the questionnaire will be analyzed using various data analytical methods such as SPSS and SAS CONCLUSION All in all the research that will be conducted aim to improve the community awareness towards the disease among the individuals member of the community in Muheza influence the government and individuals to take the concern towards the disease and also to improve the community ability to fight against the disease. REFERENCES Debas HT, Donkor P, Gawande A, et al. 2015 Essential Surgery: Disease Control Priorities, Third Edition (Volume 1). editors, Washington (DC) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank; Apr 2. Fitzgibbons RJ, Richards AT, Quinn TH WS, Mitchell P, Fink MP, Jurkovich GJ, Kaiser LR, Pearce WH, Pemberton JH, Soper NJ, 2002. Open hernia repair. In Souba, editors. ACS Surgery Principles and Practice. 6th ed. Philadelphia, U.S.A: Decker Publishing Inc. pp. 828-849 H. ABRAMSON, J. GOFIN, C. HOPP, AND A. MAKLER Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 1978, 32, 59-67J. Department of Social Medicine, the Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School and Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem Harvinder Singh Pahwa, Awanish Kumar, Prerit Agarwal, Akshay Anand Agarwal. World Journal of Clinical Cases, Department of Surgery, King Georgee Medical University, Lucknow 226003, Uttar Pradesh, India National Center for Health Statistics (1960). Hernias Reported in Interviews: United States July 1957-June 1959. Health Statistics from the US National Health Survey, Series B. No. 25, pp. 6-7. US Department of Health, Education and Welfare: Washington DC Onuigbo WIB, Njeze GE (2016) Inguinal Hernia. A Review. J Surg Oper Care 1(2): 202. doi: 10.15744/2455-7617.1.202 SD, Sharma VM. J Med Res Rev 2013, Retrospective analysis of inguinal hernia repair by various methods in a teaching institute. Int;1(5):240-244 Venditti D, Rossi P, Lisi G, et al 2015. Anew prosthesis in inguinal hernia repair: results of a pilot study. Surgery Res Open 2(2): 66-71.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
A Virtual Team at T. A. Stearns
Tom Andrews, Cy Crane, Marge Dector and Megan Harris are all part of a team because they cooperatively work towards the success of their small organization through the realization of their common goals and interests.Although their immediate common denominator is being part of a group that T.A. Stearns relies on for innovative programming, each member’s desire to have lenient working hours and flexible working space also gels them together to work cohesively. In fact, they have already stepped beyond working relations into the grounds of true friendship because they have learned to cover up for each other’s misgivings to be able to achieve their aims and goals.2. Has anyone in this case acted unethically?All of them, without any exception, violated their company’s trust. This was done by concealing their new work innovation that gave them additional hours for personal time.Although it can be said that they have saved the company money by not asking for their r eward for another brilliant time-saving invention, what they have done is like stealing. The company could have saved more money by lessening their working hours but they let the company pay them unknowingly.3. What, if any, characteristics of groupthink are manifested in the work team?One of the indicators that the virtual team was already suffering from groupthink is their high moral stance. The members believed that they could cover up their â€Å"time cheating strategy†and collectively assumed that it was okay to keep their innovation a secret so that they can have more time to themselves.They even worked together to plan out how they can deceive their company by coordinating on their reports and schedules.  The team had begun to think that they were smarter than their bosses.Another indicator of group think was their arrogance regarding their working style. The group had taken pride in their ability to have flexible time and working space compared to most people but this should not have given them the reason to scoff at those who have chosen to work differently.The most obvious indicator of group think is their move to keep information even from their leader.4. Has Dave been an effective team leader?Yes he has for he was very observant of his team. He knew the members fairly enough to judge that there was something amiss and that he needed to get to the bottom of it right away. He was also a good leader because he immediately discussed his concerns with Cy.5. What should Dave do now?Dave would have to reveal the virtual team’s new discovery to upper management before the executives hear it through the grapevine. If I were in his shoes, I would reveal the innovation by presenting it as something the virtual team had experimented on for some time to ensure its effectiveness. This way, Dave not only saves his virtual team but also gets a probable pat in the back from management for doing a good job.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Jasper Jones Language Features Essay
In the Novel Jasper Jones by Craig Silvey, Silvey uses language features such as first person narrative, Allegory and symbolism for the purpose of helping the reader understand Charlie Bucktin’s journey from innocence to experience. Craig Silvey Uses First person narrative in the Novel Jasper Jones, The story is completely told though the eyes of Charlie Bucktin, an unassuming bookworm who is woken up one night when Jasper Jones comes to his window to ask him for help. As the reader we fully experience Charlies journey and because Charlie is depicted as a very bright young man the narrative is very descriptive and bears a whole host of colourful language that depicts, so clearly, each and every step that Charlie takes. Silvey writes Jasper Jones as an allegory to Harper Lee’s To kill a Mockingbird. It is through the intertextuality that provides the source of the action, thematic development(the journey of innocence to experience) and parallels between Charlie Bucktin and Scout’s narration in the respective texts. The repeated refrences that Charie makes to To Kill A Mockingbird also gives insight into Charlie’s character and the reasoning behind his actions. â€Å"I try to reason with him, like Atticus might†The Use of symbols in Jasper Jones is very effective as symbols are used to mark turning points and changes in Charlies life. The first symbol that is quite important is The collection, or library, of books belonging to Charlie’s father, Wes Bucktin. Wes’ library symbolises the beginning of Charlie’s journey to experience. Charlie is only granted access to this library when he refers to Jasper Jones as a â€Å"half caste†but once Charlie enters into this completely new world of literary immersion he begins to gain a lot of knowledge of the world and constantly uses reference to many titles in his narration such as: â€Å"Huckleberry Finn†and â€Å"To kill a Mockingbird†. Another Symbol used by Silvey is the symbol of the hole that Charlie is forced to dig by his mother. Charlie’s mother Ruth, makes Charlie dig a large hole in the backyard after Charlie comes home very late one night and has the whole town believing that he has been k idnapped. Although it isn’t apparent at first, the hole symbolises Charlie’s mothers own transgressions and her attempt to blame Charlie for everything is only her way of trying to make him â€Å"fill it in†. The Author uses the language features of first person narrative, allegory and symbolism for the purpose of helping the reader understand Charlie’s journey from innocence to experience. The use of first person narrative gives us inside access to Charlie’s thoughts and experiences and this allows the reader to be able to see Charlie change as the story continues. The Allegory helps us unserstand Charlie’s journey from innocence to experience by modelling his behaviour and actions against the characters from another classic novel with similar themes and plot and finally the use of symbols helps us to see when and how this journey begins to truly take place, when Charlie finds his mother having an extramarital affair he realises what she has been doing and when she tries to place it back on him he won’t allow it â€Å"you dug this hole, you fill it in†In The novel Jasper Jones By Craig Silvey, The Author uses the language features of first person narra tive, allegory and symbolism for the purpose of helping the reader understand Charlie’s journey from innocence to experience.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Students plagued by poor grammar - Emphasis
Students plagued by poor grammar Students plagued by poor grammar University students writing is plagued by poor grammar and punctuation and a lack of consensus on what constitutes a clear writing style, new Emphasis research has found. This inaugural research project, which marks the launch of the Emphasis Research Centre, suggests that todays graduates the business writers of tomorrow arent being encouraged to write in a clear, straightfoward manner that will serve them (and their future colleagues and clients) best in the world of work. The results, compiled from an online survey of academics and lecturers from 37 UK universities, reveal a range of problems from poor grammar and punctuation to an inappropriate style. But the real problem may well be the inconsistent advice handed down from lecturers. The survey reveals a lack of agreement on what constitutes a good writing style: there is a real gulf between the plainer language tutors claim to prefer, and the typically opaque and multi-syllabic language of academia. So it isnt the case that the problem is going unrecognised or being ignored. Rather there is just a need for a unified and uniform support system. University lecturers are keen to help students overcome worrying deficiencies in their writing, says Emphasis CEO, Rob Ashton. But a lack of familiarity with the building blocks of a clear, plain style makes that goal hard to achieve. To read the full report on this research, click here. Other research has recently highlighted the link between low levels of literacy and a lack of success in the workplace. The report, published by the National Literacy Trust, found that one in six adults has levels of literacy lower than that expected of an 11-year-old. Two-thirds of men and three-quarters of women with poor reading and writing skills had never received a promotion.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Miss Stoner Essays
Miss Stoner Essays Miss Stoner Paper Miss Stoner Paper How does Conan Doyle present Sherlock Holmes, the great detective, in his stories? My general impression of Sherlock Holmes is that he is a very mysterious, cunning and slightly deviant individual. He is cunning because he likes catching people out (by himself without anyone else knowing) so he can get all the credit and acts quite big headed too by showing off in front of his clients. As a reader he gives me the impression that he is selfish because he treats Dr Watson as a servant and accepts Watson to bow down to him all the time. He has respect for women but no respect for men, I think this is because he has soft spots for his female clients but Im probably wrong because its not in his nature to do this. When Holmes meets Helen Stoner in The Speckled Band he is always using a language to show he is a detective I observe that you are shivering along with showing her who is boss this is my intimate friend and associate Dr. Watson. Also while he meets Helen Stoner he is very polite good morning, madam whereas with men he would not talk as politely. He also tries to impress her you have come in by train this morning, I see he is self-indulgent. He shows her compassion (which is rare for Holmes to do) but its sarcastic anyway you must not fear said he soothingly, bending forward and patting her forearm. He goes into out of his way to impress Miss Stoner by going into going into great (and pointless) detail about how he knew how she travelled there You must of started early, and yet you had a good drive in a dogcart, along heavy roads, before you reached the station, weather or not hes got a soft spot for her I dont know but its highly unlikely as its not in Holmes nature to do so. Miss Stoner is baffled about how Holmes knew how she got to the meeting There is no mystery, my dear madam said he, smiling which is also shows that Holmes is smug at this moment. Once Holmes had listened to Miss Stoners story he accused straight away of not telling him everything Miss Stoner, you have not. You are screening your stepfather. He done this again by observing Miss Stoner but this time her wrist and not her clothes The marks of four fingers and a thumb, were printed upon the white wrist this could of meant that she had been cruelly abused possibly by her stepfather. He sat down in his office, by the crackling fire and there was a long silence while he thought of the information he had gathered. He then asked Miss Stoner if it would be possible if they could see over these rooms without the knowledge of your stepfather which is conspiritual. When Miss Stoner said it was alright for them to do this asks Watson you are not averse to this trip, Watson? which is more like a statement of Holmes telling Watson what to do, this shows once again that Holmes is the boss and has full control of Watson. As Miss Stoner leaves she says My heart is lightened already since I have confided my trouble to you This is her thanking Holmes and saying to him you have made me feel at ease. When Miss Stoner arrived she was agitated frightened eyes like those of a haunted animal but when she left she wasnt glided from the room this can be said as Holmes touch. Once Miss Stoner leaves Holmes tests how well Watson has been listening to the conversation by asking him And what do you think of it all, Watson? When Holmes meets Miss Stoners stepfather (Dr Grimesby Roylott) Holmes says to Roylott my name, sir, but you have the advantage of me and Roylott replies straight away with I am Dr Grimesby Roylott, of Stoke Moran as Holmes said it patronisingly and has got strong powers of observation. Holmes is always polite and charming even with people he doesnt particularly get along with (mainly men) Pray take a seat. When Roylott asks Holmes about his stepdaughter hr quickly diverts the subject by politely saying It is a little cold for the time of year, so Roylott furiously answers back with no manners at all. Homes then replies imperturbably (not bothered). Roylott obviously doesnt like Holmes and describes him as a scoundrel and also has a reputation of being a meddler and Holmes likes this. Every time Roylott mentions something about Holmes, Homes smile broadens as if he likes the fact hes got a reputation, Roylott hates him and he has got a sense of smugness about the whole thing.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The community paramedic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The community paramedic - Essay Example This helps in the identification of all the relevant facts about the patient and communicating it to the team in order to avoid the misunderstanding of what may arise particularly the level of expected care. The communication tool that may be used could be written, verbal, or both. Members of the health care team may use a record and read back process before actually taking an action on either a verbal order or verbal report of essential test results of patients (Epstein et al., 2005). Verbal communication such as telephone call or face-to-face conversation may be used. Face-to-face communication is more preferable since it allows for close and direct interaction between the health care team and the patient. Face-to-face communication also provides nonverbal information expressed by facial expression and body language. Written communication, on the other hand, assist the health care team to convey clinical information in an organized manner (Lyndon, 2006). It also provides the patient with hard copy of background information that is computer-generated for reference. There should also be documentation of all interactions between the health care provider and the patient in order to help in making referral. In order to improve the care coordination, there should be a close working relationship between the community paramedic and the patients and a well as their family members. The community paramedic should develop personal relationship with people with a chronic disease by accessing their homes. They need to constantly remind the patients of the forthcoming appointments. Involvement of the family members ensures consistency of care to such patients because family members are in close contact with the patients and are able to monitor them very effectively (Bodenheimer, Wagner, & Grumbach, 2002). The family members are able to arrange for the
Friday, November 1, 2019
The Younger the Better in English learning practice Essay
The Younger the Better in English learning practice - Essay Example At the same time, parents believe that ‘the younger the better’ when learning a second language. They spend a great deal of money to send their children to English speaking countries to enhance language ability while the learners are still young. However, there have been many arguments about the appropriate language learning period. Unlike the general thoughts of many people, some researchers have suggested adults have a better advantage in language learning. In this paper, both views of language acquisition will be introduced. First, the paper will go through research cases and researchers’ suggestions supporting ‘the younger the better’. This will be followed by studies suggesting adults' second language acquisition is more advantageous than young learners. ... It is crucial for language learners to learn a language before puberty. Language acquisition which takes place after puberty is qualitatively different from the acquisition which takes place before puberty due to cerebral lateralization of function in the brain. In the 60s, there were not many studies done to prove the hypothesis. His claim was limited to the suggestion of the ‘critical period’ of first language acquisition. He left further research about second language acquisition to other researchers. Since Lenneberg’s (1967) study of the ‘critical period’, research concerning his work began to get much of the spotlight. Several researchers supported his study (Newport, 1990). One of the most notable works was from Curtiss(1977) about 13 year old girl named Genie. Genie was found by neighbour in Los Angeles when she was 13. She had been isolated from linguistic, social, environmental input until she was found at the age approximately at the end of the puberty. There existed no linguistic formal information when she was found, yet, she had the average intelligence of her age group. She started learning her first language at thirteen years of age. The research implications were incredible. Her performance was similar to that of average 13 year old child but she had a difficult time applying language to real life situations. Also, she needed more than five months to accomplish certain step of linguistic competence while other children of her linguistic age were able to complete the steps within 2 to 6 weeks. Even though she had five years of special training, Genie was able to speak on her own initiative and was able to understand certain degrees of complicated sentences, her
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